I Don't Know

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From that night on, George and Ringo slept in the same bed. And neither of them mentioned it.

A week later George was scheduled with the other three to go to a group therapy session. The group session was hosted by the therapist at Highland, Janice Parker. Families and friends were always welcomed to group sessions and it was always a packed house.

Something John, Paul and Ringo didn't know if George could handle.


Ringo woke George up that Thursday evening at 5 they were scheduled to go to Highland. George had been pure exhausted all day and had slept till 3. George was clinging to Ringo as he always did nowadays since they started sharing the same bed. Ringo shook him a little as he got out of George's grasp. "George, it's time to get up. We have to be ready soon."
George mumbled something incoherent and flopped over on his back. He was wore out and honestly he didn't want to go. He was afraid the others would be upset or they would cry or feel bad for his sake. He didn't want to see them sad honestly, but he had made a promise to go.

Ringo had left downstairs to make, "breakfast" and make sure John and Paul were up and getting ready. George had slowly risen out of bed, his hair in tangles and with a small line of drool down his lip.

He slept well.

George got up and got awake and opened up the curtain to his and Ringo's newly shared bedroom and found it to be a rare sunny day. John had been having all four of them stay at his place for the time being to keep an eye out for George. Even Cynthia didn't mind staying there to help with meals or clean or to talk to any of them. It was her home after all.

The voices and hallucinations haven't been as bad lately. Of corse he heard them and saw them but they didn't seem as bad as before. George had started to get awake. He got dressed and went to the bathroom for a shave and a piss when it started again.

Faint whispers were heard through the room and soft mummers rang in George's head. His grip tightened on the razor blade he was holding in his hand and shaving scream remains were still on his face. George had froze. He knew something was going to happen.

"George, you can't go!" A shout from behind him scared him and made him drop the razor. "Seven?" "It's Eight. You can't go, George! You'll be dead if you do! Your friends will be dead! Everything will be taken away from you! Everything you love!" "Please go away..." George's voice wobbled a bit in fear. He was leaning against the counter, razor at his shoes. "George you need to hear this! If you don't you'll be dead!" "STOP IT!"

A blood curtailing scream was heard downstairs, and Ringo bolted up the stairs like he had been shot.


And hour and a half later, John and Paul were up and dressed, Ringo didn't get a chance to wake them up since he had to run upstairs around the time he was going to get them up.

"George! Come on, we need to go!" John called from down stairs. Paul stood at the kitchen counter of John's kitchen and was popping George's pills from their bottles. Paul counted them and sorted them out on the counter, closed the bottles and shoved them aside. "George I got your pills!"

They were minutes away from needing to make their appointment at Highland for George's therapy and support group. But from the way they were lagging, it seemed as though they would miss it.

"Ringo hurry up! We need to get goin'!" Paul yelled as he looked at his watch. Silence fell over the house. And then a bang and a loud scream.

Something was wrong.

"John, something is wrong." John threw his coat on a kitchen chair and followed Paul upstairs. "Ringo? George?" John yelled as they went up the steps. The made it to Ringo's room and the door was locked. John banged his fists on the door as hard as he could. "Ringo! Open the fucking door!"

"John stop! You're scaring him!" Ringo yelled from inside the room. "What?" "You're scaring George!"

John leaned against the door and he heard Ringo talking to George. "George you promised you'd come to therapy. We all need it and you especially." "No! I don't want to go. Just fuck off!" "George I will drag you out. "FUCK OFF!" George yelled. The bathroom door in Ringo's room slammed and Ringo cursed under his breath. "Damn." Paul mumbled. "Ringo? Can you let us in?" Paul asked.

The door opened and a tired Ringo Starr emerged from the bedroom. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess, probably from fighting with George. "Come in." he sighed. John and Paul came in and found the room a total mess. "How could we not have heard all of that?"

Ringo wiped a hand over his fave and through his hair. "We've been fighting since 3:30. Before you two even got up." "What's the problem?" "He's paranoid. Having another episode. It's his first one in a week. He keeps yelling that he doesn't want to go but won't say why."

"Shit." John mumbled. "George, come on! We're going to be late!" "I told you to fuck off!"

"Alright I'm breaking the door down." John mumbled. Paul helped him and with slamming their bodies to the door a few times it finally broke enough to kick down. Ringo was a bit frustrated that his fucking door was broke but at least they could get to George.

They found George in the bathroom floor with fear in his eyes, clutching the side of the bathroom counter and his other arm laying in the floor. He was having a panic attack.

Paul got down in the floor with him and put his hands on George's shoulders. George was still looking up at the other two Beatles. "I don't want to go. Eight told me not to go. He said something bad would happen."

"Eight?" Paul asked. Paul had completely forgotten about Seven. Or Eight. Whichever one. "It's one of George's hallucinations he sees." John whispered back. "George what did Seven say was going to happen?" "He said we would die, he said we'd get hurt and everything I love would be gone."

"George that won't happen. We'll be okay. Seven is just lying to you. He's not real. He's trying to scare you." "But he's my friend!" "Well who would you rather believe? Seven or your best friends?"

"I don't know anymore."


Wow I actually updated a chapter. Again thank you guys for the reads & support. And I'm sorry I can't update more often but summer is nearly here so i'll be able to update a lot soon! This chapter is a filler but it's going to easily lead into what I have planned next. Shout out to my love omgringo & for all her support and just for her being all around beautiful & amazing.


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