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"Mrs. Parker, this is Paul McCartney, how are you today?"

"Oh hello, Mr. McCartney. I'm doing well. I heard you couldn't make it to our meeting this evening. Is everything okay?"

"George had an episode today. So we thought it'd be best if he just stay home. I'd like to schedule for another time. All of us will be coming with him for now on."

"Oh well thats good! I'll set you up a date soon and I'll call you as soon as I can. Maybe it would help if we do one on one therapy sessions?"

"Actually that sounds a lot better."

"Okay great! I'll set him up. Keep a good eye on George. I'm excited to meet him soon."

"Okay I will, Mrs. Parker."

"Call me Janice. I'll talk to you soon."

Paul put down the phone and signed. He looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 8. George was still asleep from the downers they had to force in him to calm him down. The day was absolutely tiring even though Paul wasn't even awake most of the time.

Paul wrote a reminder note for him and the others about George's appointment and left to join the other two Beatles at the dining room table.

Cynthia and Julian were at a hotel, John thinking it would be best while George was staying there. Cynthia and Julian left early that morning even though she really didn't want to. She was being forced to leave her home and really, it pissed her off.

The three of them sat in silence, cups of coffee in hand, the sound of the grandfather clock from the living room ticked and was heard though the house. It was eerily quiet.

"So what now?" Paul asked as he wiped a hand over his face. John cleared his throat and Ringo sat up a bit more straight. "I don't know, Paul. Try and get another appointment?" "I already got one. I really don't know if George will even want to go." "Can't an ambulance come pick him up?" Ringo asked. "We're not going to do that just to take him to therapy. I made the session one on one. Maybe he'll go if it's just us and the therapist."

"We haven't gotten any progress done on our music, y'know. Fans will be getting anxious. Hell Brian is off the wall pissed." Ringo said as he took a swig of coffee. "Well he'll just have to be won't he? George is more important than us playing concerts where we can't even hear ourselves." John said. He was annoyed, thinking the drummer cared more about the concerts than George.

A coffee cup slammed on the table and broke into pieces.

"If you want to think I care more about some fucking whiney fans than George then you'd better think twice. I've been in bed with him every God damn night listening to his cries, his nightmares and everything in between, so don't you dare say I care more about some fucking concerts than George." Ringo was shaking he was so mad. "While all you and Paul do is hide away and let me take care of it and you act like you're a great help when you stand and watch. I'm just done with it."

Ringo got up and grabbed his car keys from the table. "Where are you going?" Paul asked. "I'm leaving. I can't take much more of this. George is coming with me." Ringo left upstairs and a door slammed.

John sighed and mumbled, "fuck" to himself. "He gets pissed at the littlest things." Paul said nothing. "Can you help me clean this?"


"George, get up." Ringo flipped on the bedroom light and George moaned as he was awoken. "What?" "C'mon, get up. We're leaving." "Where?" "I don't know, c'mon. Get dressed. I'll pack up your stuff."

George sat at the edge of the bed wiping his face. "Why are we leaving?" George asked. Ringo was throwing things into George suitcase and into his own as well. "Because I can't take much more stress. You and me need a holiday." "Okay, but why now?" "I'll explain on the way. Can you help me?" George slowly got up from bed and helped Ringo pack.

"George get your medication. They are on the bathroom counter." George retrieved the pills, his toothbrush, shampoo & razor. He handed them to Ringo who seemed to be packing like it was a race.

Ringo threw a pair of sweat pants and a T-Shirt & shoes to George. "Here, throw this on." George caught them and went into the bathroom to change, still confused as to why they were leaving at 8:30 at night.

Ringo finished packing both their bags and got them together. "You ready?" George yawned. "I guess I am."


"Hungry?" Ringo asked as they drove past a few restaurants. "Yeah, a little. When are you going to explain what happened?" "Here, lets go in here and i'll explain."

Ringo pulled into a 24hr waffle house and parked the car. It was 9:00 so not a lot of places would be open. Ringo threw on a hoodie & gave George one as well. "Throw this on, seems like no one is here but we still need to be careful."

George found a booth and Ringo went and ordered their food in a fake American accent, hoping it could somewhat help them with not being recognized.

George struggled to get awake, the medication still having an effect on him. He was thankful when Ringo sat down with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Here, get awake and I'll explain."

George took a couple of drinks and sat the cup down. "Okay, explain." "John and Paul are just getting on my nerves and since I'm the only one bothering to take care of you I wanted us to leave." "Bothering to take care of me?" George's eyes fell a little. He knew he was a burden but to hear it said aloud made it worse.

"No thats not what I meant! I mean since I'm the one that makes sure you take your pills, you eat and sleep well that you should come with me." "Okay." George said as he opened a sugar packet into his coffee.

"George you're not a burden, you know that right?" "Then what am I?" Ringo swallowed. "Someone who needs help and needs a break. Which is what I think we both need. We can go somewhere tonight. I don't care where. I just need to get away for a while, and you do as well."

George nodded. "What happened?" Ringo sighed and was about to explain until a waitress brought them two plates of waffles, bacon and eggs. "Thanks, ma'am." Ringo said. She walked away and Ringo resumed his story.

"They just don't help. They stand over and watch you like they're amazed by your illness and they don't help 95% of the time and I just get sick of it." "They don't help?" Ringo gave George a dumb look. "Don't you realize it? They just stay joined at the hip & watch you. I'm just sick of it. Look, I just, I need a day off."

George nodded and took a bite of waffle. "Okay, where to then?" Ringo took a drink of coke. "Well there is that beach house we have in Whitby. We could go there tonight? It's about a 2 hour drive." "Okay, thats fine."

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