He's Coming

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"What!" Harry sputtered as he watched his wife from across the room.  His jaw dropped and eyes widened in a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

"James is coming," breathed Ginny. "James is coming! NOW!" Ginny then shrieked.

Harry jumped around aimlessly. Looking around the room in confusion, at Ginny, at the bed, at the window. 

"What do we do?

Ginny looked at him, feeling enraged. "We have to go!"

Harry looked at her with sincerity, before coming to his senses and realising what he had to do. He sprinted towards their bed, and dived down, hurting his bare knees as he did so,and pulled out the maternity bag from under it, he placed it on the bed and looked up at Ginny.

"Can you walk?" Harry asked Ginny urgently.

"I--um--" started Ginny, still looking down at the liquid pool she stood in. She felt very confused, all of the extensive preparation she had put in, in order to be ready for this moment, did not seem to be paying off.

Harry took Ginnys words for a no, and he raced towards her, getting ready to lift her up, but as he made his way towards her, he slipped on the water that had been released from Ginnys body. Harry fell forward, his face smacking the ground, blood pouring out of both of his nostrils, his exposed body ached, as he wore only a pair of flimsy boxers.

Ginny screamed at the sight of him, and for the briefest of moments, she thought Harry was going to stay there. But of course, this was Harry Potter she was looking at.

A mere second later, Harry gathered himself, and slowly but surely, managed to get back up to his feet, as Ginny cried out in pain.

"Harry, are you--" began Ginny.

"Forget about me," said Harry harshly, rushing out of the en suite, and grabbing his wand. "We've got to get you to Mungos," With a short flick of his wand, the water that had triggered the events that followed evaporated into thin air, and Harry was able to rush forwards to Ginny.

Harry put an arm around her was it, and helped hold her up, as she clutched her stomach in pain. She turned to him, as they walked towards the bed,

"We're really doing this," said Ginny breathlessly. 

Harry turned to her, and the faintest of smiles crept on his face. "We are." He leaned in and kissed her on the lips briskly, before assisting her to get on the bed.

Ginny felt a rush of emotions, gratitude and love towards her husband, but also frustration at how slowly things were moving,

"Harry, you've got to call Padma. Go to the fireplace." Ginny demanded, pushing him forward.

Harry nodded quickly, his heart racing, and ran towards the door.

"Oh, and get me some water afterwards!" Ginny called after him, as she grabbed several pillows and took deep breaths, in a sort of rhythm, as she watched her husband disappear, and she hoped desperately he would do everything both briskly and smoothly.

"Padma Patil!" exclaimed Harry, who had took two stairs at a time, in order to reach the 'come and go room' he sat down, with pain, he looked down at his boxers and saw a large poppy stain, he ignored it, and brushed the blood off of his face as quickly as he could, before none other than Padma Patils head appeared in the fire place.

"St. Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries, maternity ward, Padma here, may I ask who's calling?" said Padma calmly, Harry soon realised she wasn't aware that it was him that had called.

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