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"Umm" sanyukta moaned between the kiss as soon as she felt randhir's hand pushing her dress up from her thighs.

He left her lips and started placing wet kisses on her shoulders..

"Randhir" sanyukta moaned yet again on feeling his lips just above her cleavage.

"I love you" these three words left her mouth and the next moment she regretted it.

And randhirs hands and lips stopped doing there work.

He got up from the bed and straightened his expensive Armani suit.

"Randhir am just slipped out of my mouth" sanyukta sat on the bed adjusting her dress..

"Its ok" came his cold voice..

"Randhir look at me" she tried cupping his face but he was busy wearing his shoes..

"Look sanyukta i told you love is not my cup of tea..
I am attracted towards you..
Even you are attracted towards me..
I told you before only that i can never love u back or give u any commitment." he turned around.

" i know randhir those words just slipped out of my mouth.
I am sorry randhir" sanyukta spoke with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry..
I told you i don't want to fall into relationships..
But u were adamant and u wanted us to be together" he pushed a strand of her silky hair behind her ear.

"Yes we are together but still no one knows about it..
See i am still standing on your deal" she tried smiling her best..

"Good bye Sanyukta Aggarwal " randhir leaned forwad and kissed her.

She tried deepening the kiss but he left her on the bed.

And exited from her mansion trying to smile his best while fighting with his own new found feelings.

To be continued ❤

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