Chapter 11

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With great difficulty randhir opened his eyes..
His head was paining as if someone was throbbing it with a hammer..
He got up with difficulty and sat on the bed and looked around and founf himself in his bedroom
"Ahhh" she squealed in pain getting up slowly..
She clutched her hair in her palm and pulled them to stop the immense pain in them..
"Ahhhh" sanyukta threw the vase on the floor..
"Stop it stop it" parth jumped inside in his room after listening to the smashing sounds coming from the room..
"My head is hurting badly.." he yelled..
"Yes why wont it?" Parth mocked.
"What do u mean?" Randhir glared..
"Where were you?" Parth glared..
"I" he looked here and there and soon his heart pained..
"I saw you last night..thank god for that" parth threw his hands up in the air..
"Where did u see me?" Randhir gulped...
"On the road..u were drenched in the rain and u literally fainted on the streets" parth flared his nose..
" it?" He shrugged his shoulders to make it look casual..
"What the fuck? U are taking this soo casual?" Parth yelled..
Randhir wanted to stay alone..
He wanted to yell at parth for being with sanyukt!
But he could do nothing like that..
Because he was still unsure of his own feelings for her..
And might b her happiness was with parth and not randhir..
"Parth..i want to stay aline for sometime" he whisperd turning his face away to stop the tears from flowing..
"Are u sure?" Parth cocked his eyebrows..
"Yes" he whispered and laid on the bed again..
"Call me if u need anything" parth was about to leave..
"Umm how was ur date last night" he controlled his sobs while asking this..
"Ahh date was bad..she had to leave for some urgent work..
Just could not propose her" he zaid so and left..
His broken heart broke into 1000 peices yet again..
Making his drench more and more into pain..

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