Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
Grace Cullen
Forks, Washington
Port Angelos, Washington

"Alright Grace, you can open your eyes now." Carlisle told me, finally coming back into my room after convincing the nurses to leave me alone. "A gunshot wound? Are you serious?" He asked me.

"A roomful of students saw me get shot at. What was I supposed to do?" I asked him, annoyed he was trying to parent me.

"You're unpracticed in your gift." He sighed. "That was not a convincing wound at all. If anyone else would've looked deeper into it, they would've easily seen there was no entry or exit."

"But no one else looked except you." I huffed. "Alice knew that. She directed me to create more blood to hide the wound instead of focusing on creating a more convincing look. She knew you would be here at the hospital to respond to the incident."

"You could've gotten someone killed!" He raised his voice at me.

"Sorry, I hope I'm not intruding." A cop apologized, his voice deep and gruff, as he entered the room.

He was so charming, in such extreme ways that I found myself interested in everything about him. His tall frame was muscular but still inviting and warm. His head full of dark hair was the same warm brown color as his five o'clock shadow, and the same color as his beautiful eyes. He had a hard intimidating cop exterior, but I could see the soft kindness in his eyes.

"Chief Swan." Carlisle greeted him. "Of course not. I was just trying to reason with my dear sister here." He muttered.

"The hero of the hour." He chuckled, offering me a small smile.

"Chief Swan? Bella's father?" I asked him.

"Yes." He nodded. "Dr. Cullen, would you mind going down to check on Bella? She hit her head pretty hard on a desk. I'd like her to see the best, if you don't mind."

"Of course, I'm honored to, but I'm afraid I'm caught up with my sister at the moment." Carlisle frowned.

"Oh, I'm fine, Carlisle." I laughed at him. "You go check on Bella. Chief Swan will keep me company." I told him. "Won't you?" I asked the Chief.

"Of course, I have some questions for you regarding the shooting for my report." He nodded.

"Then I suppose I can step away for a short while." Carlisle sighed. "If you need anything, or start to feel any pain, have a nurse call for me." He ordered me before leaving the room.

"He sounded like he was really about to tear into you." Chief Swan smiled at me.

I had yet to see him really smile. He had just offered me small tight-lipped hints at a smile. And I found myself really wanting him to smile fully at me.

"I scared him." I frowned slightly. "We're really all each other has left. Our parents died so long ago and our older sister has been dead seven years now. Sure, he has Esme and we both have kids, but I think I scared him into thinking he was going to be left alone." I explained.

"Sorry to hear about that." He offered me a soft frown. "I get it. Bella's all I have left. To think that the minuet she moves to forks a school shooter could've taken her from me." He shook his head, as if getting rid of the bad thought. "Now, why don't we talk about what happened. It's just a formality really, nothing to worry about." He assured me, sitting in the chair by my bed and opening up his file.

"So, explain to me what happened. The best you can recall, please." He asked me and I took a deep breath, suddenly nervous to have his brown eyes piercing through me.

"Well, I was discussing a section of Shakespeares work Romeo and Juliet when the door was thrown open. The boy came in with a pistol raised in the air, and I was able to jump him and knock him off of his feet." I explained. "I turned to make sure all of the students were hidden properly when he shot me. It's like I couldn't even feel the pain at first, because I turned back around and got the gun from him before knocking him out with it. Then, I just remember hitting the floor and Alice coming to help me."

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