Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen
Prom. Proposals.
Grace Cullen

"I feel ridiculous." Bella muttered, pouting in the mirror.

"Well you look beautiful." I laughed at her as I finished pinning some of her curls back away from her face.

"Grace, I'm a klutz! I'm going to make a complete fool of myself, especially with this boot on." She worried, kicking her cast against the vanity for good measure.

"Bella, you know as well as I do that if you didn't want to go to the Prom tonight you would've told your father. Your dad wouldn't make you go, in fact I'm sure he wouldn't have agreed to come over here and let me get you ready if he thought you were being coerced into going." I teased her. "I think you want to go, you're just caught up on the nonsense about you being plain compared to Edward."

"I am plain." She retorted soundly and I shot her a sharp look in the mirror.

"You're beautiful, Bella. It's wrong to compare yourself so harshly to vampires all the time." I sighed. "Trust me, Edward is just happy to give you a human experience. The Prom makes everyone anxious. You'll be no exception."

"Edward's not nervous. Alice and Rosalie are-"

"Vampires who have gone to Prom for decades." I laughed. "Prom makes humans anxious. I didn't think I had to clarify." I giggled at her. "Just try to loosen up and have a little fun. You're too much like your dad sometimes."

"True." She laughed. "Thanks for helping me, Grace." She offered me a soft smile in the mirrors reflection. "This is way better than letting Alice have full control."

"Of course. Anytime." I promised her. "I know moms are normally supposed to do this kind of thing but-"

"I think we both know my mom wouldn't really be much of a help." Bella chuckled half-heartedly. "That's why it means so much to me that you're so active. Thank you, Grace. Really."

"Can I come in?" Charlie suddenly knocked at the door, ruining my chance to say something.

"Yes, it's unlocked." I called back and he opened the door.

"Wow, Bells." Charlie's eyes lit up. "Look at you." He choked up a little bit as I helped her stand.

"Dad." Bella frowned slightly at him, still a little uncomfortable with displays of emotion. "It's just Prom."

"It's just Prom, huh?" I teased her and she laughed at her words. "I think I did pretty well for my first Prom dress up." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around Charlie's waist.

"First? What about Rosalie and Alice?" Charlie asked me.

"Oh, they always help each other and usher Esme and I out." I giggled. "I usually end up tying a couple ties and ushering them out the door."

"So are you chaperoning tonight, Grace?" Bella asked.

"Not this year." I shook my head. "Esme, Carlisle, and I are going to set up tonight's after party at the Stanley house while your dad is on patrol."

"No underage drinking on my watch." Charlie laughed, spinning his handcuffs around one of his fingers.

"Alright, lets get downstairs before your dad makes anymore lame jokes." I laughed with Bella before helping her downstairs quickly.

"Oh Bella! Look at you!" Alice cheered and the girls quickly descended on her as Charlie caught up to me.

"Was my joke really that lame?" He whispered comically to me and I suppressed the urge to laugh.

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