Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve
Grace Cullen

"So you see, if that bullet really had gone through you, it would've ended up lodged in this back corner due to the power and close range of the shot." Charlie demonstrated as I finished putting together my substitute folder.

"I see." I nodded. "Good to know for the future." I giggled.

"I doubt anyone else would've looked so closely at the incident." He shook his head. "I was just driven because my kid was in the room and such a pretty woman was injured." He laughed.

"Aww, how sweet." I laughed with him.

Our laughter was cut short, however, by the sounds of shattering glass coming from down the hallway. Charlie immediately drew his weapon, but I jumped up and stopped him from running out into the hall. I could detect the unmistakable scent of another vampire.

"Vampire." I whispered quietly to him. "Stay right behind me." I ordered and we carefully left my classroom and headed in the direction of the noise.

At the end of the hall, the glass door to the records office was shattered and whoever was inside was digging through filing cabinets.

"Whoever you are, you need to leave, now." I called out angrily.

"I've got what I was looking for anyway." The red head from the field, Victoria I remembered, purred as she stepped out from the shattered door. She held a file triumphantly in her hand and I could easily read Bella's name on it. "Us girls know how to use our resources." She laughed before running out of the building.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked me. "Aren't you going to go after her?"

"No, you're my priority." I shook my head. "The others can track her down." I told him as I pulled out my cellphone and dialed Carlisle.

"Grace, is everything alright?" He asked me, and I could hear the sound of rushing wind in the phone.

"I was putting together my substitute folder at the school just now when Victoria broke in and got Bella's file." I explained. "She just left a moment ago, so she should still be in the vicinity of the school."

"Esme and Rosalie caught her trail." He told me. "They lost her at the boundary line." He sighed. "What kind of information does she have?" He asked me.

"Name, date of birth, social security number, previous adresses-"

"Previous adresses? Like Phoenix, Arizona for instance?" He asked and I tensed up.

"Exactly." I agreed. "You don't think they would realize she was there, would they?"

"Laurent warned us not to underestimate them when he came to the house." Carlisle told me. "He wanted to disassociate himself and warn us. So I think we should take every precaution."

"Then I think we should all meet up in Phoenix." I told him. "Meet, put a new plan into place, and go from there. It does us no good to be so separated when we're not making progress."

"I agree." He responded. "Can you and Charlie meet us at the airport?"

"Yes, we'll be there as soon as we can." I told him before saying our goodbyes and hanging up.

"We're going to Phoenix?" He asked me.

"Can you?" I asked, not even thinking about his job and responsibilities.

"Yeah, I'll say it's a family emergency." He nodded. "Bells made quite a show at the station, so I think they'll buy it easily enough." He explained as we rushed out of the school and to my car.

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