Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
Thin Ice
Grace Cullen

"See you later Mom!" Emmett called out as I started walking to the office to sign in.

"Don't be late." I warned him playfully as I headed up the stairs.

My phone began to ring, and I walked a short distance away from prying ears as I saw Charlie's number flash across the screen

I have never been happier in my existence. Charlie is everything I could've asked for and more. He's patient and kind but passionate and exuberant in contrast. Above all else, he loves me and is devoted to making our relationship the best it can possibly be.

We settled into an easy rhythm almost immediately. He picks me up from school, or I meet him on a backroad by the station, and we go on some form of a date. Most times, we drive around and talk until we have to pull over...because talking nearly always leads to more with us. Some times he drives us over to a nearby town to escape any prying eyes. If Bella isn't home, we go to his house and spend time together there completely free.

I almost always stay at his house when night comes. I get into his room through an open window and leave the same way to keep Bella from seeing me. It's playful, our secret romance, and we both get a thrill of some sorts out of it. It's a burden to keep such a love secret, and we both hate lying to our families, but we keep it up none the less.

I shook myself out of my quick day dreaming and answered the phone.

"Grace." Charlie greeted me. "Did Bella make it to school okay? The ice last night worried me so I put chains on her tires this morning. She doesn't know how to drive in ice." He worried, and my heart melted at such a sweet gesture.

"She's here." I told him, easily finding her truck across the parking lot from the Cullens cars. "She's getting out of her truck as we speak."

"Oh, good." He sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course, I get it." I giggled, watching the Cullen kids play and bicker at their cars.

Suddenly, the loud screeching of rubber tires hitting ice rang out across the parking lot and my body tensed in warning. I nearly screamed when I realized a large van was sliding across the ice wildly...headed straight for Bella.

Almost as fast as it began, it was over, and the van was wrapped oddly around Bella's truck.

"Grace, what's wrong? What's going on?" Charlie cried out as I started running across the parking lot.

"It's Bella." I gasped as I reached the truck. "Get an ambulance to the school." I ordered him as I shoved through the crowd of students. "Bella? Are you alright?!" I cried out, not smelling any blood.

"I'm fine, I just can't get out." She replied and I sighed in relief.

"She's fine." I calmed a panicking Charlie down. "Send help anyway, she's pinned in." I explained and Alice grabbed my arm tightly.

"Edward shoved the van away." She whispered in my other ear quickly before darting away.

"I'll be there soon." Charlie told me before hanging up.

I sent some of the students away to get the gym coach and some weightlifters. By the time they got to the truck, the EMT services arrived and helped them push the van away from Bella's truck. They were just getting Bella on a gurney when Charlie's cruiser came squealing into the parking lot. He pulled to a stop right beside the ambulance, got out without shutting his door, and came charging right towards the gurney.

"Bella!" He yelled out and I quickly walked towards him.

"I'm fine dad." Bella tried to calm him down, but it was hopeless when she looked so hurt.

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