Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three
Grace Cullen-Swan

"Stop here." I told Charlie, sensing that we were nearing the treaty line and not wanting to risk being somewhere my family couldn't reach us.

He pulled over and three shapeshifters immediately came out of the woods and up to his drivers side window. The fourth was hiding in the trees just a few yards behind the car, thinking he was invisible, and I had a bad feeling settle into the pit of my stomach.

"What trouble have you boys been up to tonight?" Charlie asked them, as politely as he could while speaking to the man who almost murdered his wife. "I was trying to enjoy my daughters birthday dinner."

"Still human I see." Sam nodded approvingly and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Even if you reek of the blood suckers." He shot at me.

"Let's not resort to name calling." I frowned at him. "I can assure you, we try to maintain a peaceful respect. Even after you tried to kill my brother and myself." I grimaced.

"We were just going for you, in all honesty." Sam explained. "I'm sorry, but we have to resort to keeping the treaty in tact at all cost. You changing Charlie violates those terms." He accused me.

"Oh? Then how does it stay intact with Billy having told Charlie we are vampires in the first place?" I shot back at him, and the quiet anger on his face made me smile. "Not to mention young Jacob telling Bella as well." I added, just for fun. "If we want to point fingers here, it all starts on your side of the treaty. I have no plans of changing Charlie anytime soon, let alone in the town of Forks, and so you have no reason to worry."

"Let's meet on neutral ground here." Charlie stated. "You stop attacking the Cullens for something they're not guilty of, and the Cullens won't prosecute your breaking of the treaty." He offered.

"Deal." Sam nodded, shaking his hand. "You got lucky, Cullen." He huffed before stalking back into the woods with his pack.

"Oh please, he acts like he's the one that thought of it." I sighed in relief as Charlie turned the cruiser backs towards town.

"Let's just hope we can keep the peace for a little while longer. At least until Bella, Edward, and Alice can graduate." He sighed.

"I think the peace has been breached already, Chief Swan." I chuckled.

Later that night, or, really the early hours of the next day, Charlie was still hard at work on his report over the incidents in La Push. I was trying to help him think of good cover stories for our talk with the gang when someone knocked at his office door.

"Here, look like you're asleep." He told me, handing me his jacket as he got up and went to his door. I threw it over me like a blanket and shut my eyes as I snuggled down in the chair I was sitting in.

"Shh, the wife is sleeping." Charlie told whoever was at the door quietly.

"Oh, sorry." Deputy Mark apologized in a whisper. "I was just wondering if you wanted any help on the report."

"No, I just now finished it." Charlie told him. "We got pulled away from Bella's birthday party. I was just trying to finish it as fast as possible so I can get her home."

"She looks exhausted." Deputy Mark agreed. "Well, let me know if I can do anything. I'm about to head back out on patrol."

"Coast is clear." Charlie told me, heading back to his desk to save the report. "What do you say we get home?" He offered, yawning for effect.

However, my cellphone ringing prevented me from responding as I answered it quickly.

"Grace, Edward has requested a family meeting." Carlisle sighed deeply. "Are you and Charlie available?"

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