Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen
Grace Cullen

"I found her!" Charlie cheered the instant I answered his phone call. "I can't believe it, but I found her."

"What? You've only been at the station for two hours." I gasped, looking at my watch. "How did you find her so fast?"

"Pure luck, I guess." He chuckled. "Are you around her? I don't have her number."

"Yes, I'm out hunting, but she's just at the house. I'll-"

"He found me?!" Alice suddenly cheered, appearing at my side. "I had a vision he called and said he found me!" Alice bounced on her toes excitedly.

"She's right here." I laughed, handing the phone to Alice.

"Grace and I will be right there! I already told the family I was kidnapping her for a dress fitting today." Alice rushed through her words. "See you in ten."

"It takes twenty minutes to get to the station from your place." Charlie grumbled on the other end of the line. "But I'll let it slide just this once." He laughed.

"Thanks, Charlie!" Alice giggled and hung up the phone. "Come on, let's get going." She ordered me, handing me a new dress and coat to change into.

"Alright, alright, miss bossy pants." I laughed, quickly changing out of my dirty clothes and following her back to the house.

Alice sped down the highway, quickly getting us to the station and dragging me up the steps. I was trying to appear as human as possible while she would much rather speed directly into his office. As we entered the station and approached the front desk, I had to make sure I kept Alice from barging right into Charlie's office. I had made enough of a scene the last time I was here.

"Hello." I greeted the woman at the front desk. "I was wondering if Chief Swan might be available?"

"I don't know. He's been busy in his office all morning. Can I get your name?" She asked.

"Grace Cullen." I replied politely even though I knew everyone in town knew my and my family members names after years of gossip.

"And what's the manner of the meeting today?" She asked.

"Personal." I frowned slightly at her.

"Look, she's his fiancée. We just have a quick question about some wedding details and then we'll be on our way." Alice told her with an angry but still sickly sweet tone about her voice. "He's expecting us."

"Chief Swan." The receptionist called over the intercom. "Your fiancée is here." She smiled tightly at me as she outed us to the entire station.

Charlie threw open his office door with an angry scowl on his face. The look dissolved the moment his eyes met mine as he motioned for us to come into his office.

"Grace!" Thomas Mark, a deputy and work friend of Charlie's suddenly caught my arm. "Did Brenda say fiancée?" He gaped at me.

"Yes." I smiled shyly. "We know it all seems a little fast, but it's meant to be." I shrugged.

"Well, congrats, I'm happy for you two." He smiled.

"Thank you." I offered him a soft smile. "If you'll excuse us, Alice and I are on a tight schedule today." I laughed easily, and he graciously let us slip away.

"Okay, spill." Alice spoke excitedly as soon as Charlie closed and locked the door behind us.

"Hi." He greeted me with a kiss.

"Hello." I kissed him back, not being able to keep myself from giggling.

"Oh cut it out you two. You have an eternity to be desperately in love. I don't know who I am!" Alice pulled me over to Charlie's desk to sit and Charlie joined us as he sat at his computer.

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