Later that Night

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You decided to go to bed around 9 so you said good night to Medic and headed off to bed. You didn't particularly want to wake up in the morning because that would mean going to work at (job) and you didn't really want to do that. "If only Medic were still a liscensed doctor. We could probably live off his salary." You thought to yourself but you knew there may be another incident where he steals another patient's skeleton and lose his medical liscense again. After a few hours you woke up to see that it was midnight so you went to go and get some water. You happened to notice Medic's bone saw on the counter but there was a liquid dripping from it. Upon further inspection you saw that it was blood! Fresh blood at that. "Did Medic kill someone?" You thought to yourself since the only two who had keys to your house was you and Medic. Plus Medic would never allow anyone to use his bone saw due to how sharp and dangerous it was and he wouldn't leave it out in the open. "You didn't see anyzing. Understand?" Medic asked from behind you and you gulped and muttered a quiet "Yes." "Gut. No one is to hear of zis." He said darkly and walked off chuckling darkly. You nodded quickly and went to go turn on the TV. You turned on the news and saw that all of your neighbors were found dead. "That explains the amount of blood on the bone saw." You thought "Impressed vith mein verk?" Medic asked and you knew there was a correct answer to his question "Yes." You said and he chuckled darkly, pleased with his work and he pulled you aside and said "No one vill ever know zat it vas me zat did zis. Right?" "Right." You agreed "Gut." He said and you felt someone shake you. "Liebe? Are you alright? I heard a scream, did someone hurt you? " You awoke to see Medic at the side of your bed with his bone saw nearby in case he needed it but there wasn't a drop of blood or even a splatter, stain, nothing it was bone dry. "I'm alright Medic. Just another nightmare." Medic looked at you worridly "You have been getting nightmares a lot. Do you vant to see a doktor about it?" Medic asked "No. I think I'll be fine. I should just get some sleep, after all I have to go to work in the morning." "Vhere do you verk?" Medic asked "(Job) it's pretty boring though. If only you still had your medical liscense, we could probably live off your salary." "Ja, ve probably could." Medic agreed. "So vat did you dream about zis time. I don't mean to pry, if you don't vant to answer you don't have to." Medic said and you told him about your nightmare. "Ze only people zat I vould kill are ze people who vould hurt you. No one else. Und I vould never EVER do anyzing to harm or threaten you." Medic promised "I know but ever since the incident I've just been having these nightmares." "Perhaps it's ze shock of ze incident taking it's effect on you. Zere have been cases vhere vhen someone loses someone like a partner ze effects may not appear until later in zeir life. Vheather it be a few days later or a few years later it varies vith ze person but it shouldn't last for very long. Just try to not think about it und focus on ze positive." Medic said and you nodded "Okay. Thanks for the advice Medic." "No problem liebe." Medic answered. As he was leaving you said "Medic." "Ja? Vat is it?" "Would you mind staying here with me? Just for a while at least." "Alright." Medic said as he climbed into the bed with you. "Gut nacht shatz." Medic said as he pecked your lips. "Good night Medic." And you fell asleep in Medic's arms and to your relief there weren't any nightmares.

My Bloody Valentine (Medic X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now