Chapter 4

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I woke up next morning to the sprinklers drenching my body. I ran to where the sprinklers wouldn’t reach me.

“Where am I?” I was confused for a second “O right…” After I came from San Diego I didn’t want to go back to Nathan’s apartment so I stopped at Logan’s house. It was really late and I decided to sleep in the pool chair at his backyard. My phone went off and I picked it up.

“Hello?” it was Logan

“Why is your car in front of my house?” 

“Because I slept in your backyard last night, don’t ask I’ll explain later.”

He made his way to the backyard.

“What happened to you?” He said looking at my wet clothes and smeared makeup

“Your sprinklers happened!” 

He gave me a towel, I grabbed my bag of clothes that I still had in my car. I got changed and fixed my hair and makeup as best as I could.

Logan made breakfast for the both of us. He was getting a bit impatient to know why I had slept in his pool chair.

“Logan can I use your computer real quick?” I said as I finished eating

“Sure it’s in the other room” 

I made my way to the living area, turned his computer on and started typing my resignation letter. 

I was almost done typing when I heard.

“Wait… YOU’RE QUITING? Audrey Blue Prescott what the fuck? You love that job!” I printed the letter ignoring him.

“I’ll explain later I promise!” I said as I made my to my car

At Mr. Grey’s office…

“Ah Aubrey just the person I wanted to see, please have a seat” Mr. Grey said as I came through his door. “I wanted to return your call as soon as I got your voice mail, but I thought it would be best to wait and have you here in person”

My hands trembled and my eyes got watery as I handed the letter to Mr. Grey. I really didn’t want to quit my job.

“Miss Prescott I’m sorry but I can’t accept this, you have been one of the best employees I’ve had. To what or whom do I owe this letter to?”

“Mr. Grey I don’t feel apt to come to work and I don’t think I’ll get better anytime soon”

“I can’t let you go just like that you have been like a daughter to me, a faithful and responsible secretary, and a loving girlfriend to my son” to hear that last phrase made my tears fall

“Sir I’m sorry to say that your son and I are no longer dating. His business trip involved Miss Parker”

“My receptionist? Why does it involve her?”

“I rather not say” I think he got the message

“Oh dear I am so very sorry! I can’t lose a hard worker like you. Please take all the time needed”

Logan’s POV

After Audrey left my house Crystal my girlfriend came over. We were sitting in my couch watching a movie when I hear a knock at my front door. I opened to see Aubrey crying her eyes out.

“Blue what’s wrong?”

“Everything’s wrong-“ she got cut off by Crystal 

“Logie, who’s at the door?” 

“Oh Crystal, this is my best friend Audrey” 

“Hello Crystal I have heard so many nice things about you! Sorry you have to see me like this” Blue said apologizing for her tears.

“Don’t worry dear we’re all human! Logie I’ll see you tomorrow” Crystal pecked my lips and said “I love you”

“Love you too” and I saw her leave my house.

.Audrey made her way to my couch, flopt down on it and buried her face in her hands as she sobbed. 

“Blue what happened? You’ve been acting strange since yesterday”

“It’s… Nathan” As she said his name her sobs became uncontrollable “when I went to see him yesterday I found him in bed with Lauren”

“Audrey you are a beautiful, young, smart and outgoing woman you can do so much better” As I soothed her, her cries became weaker and soon she stopped crying. 

“Could you please help me find a new place and get my stuff from his apartment?”

“Sure thing and you can stay here if you’d like, I have a guest room.” 

Audrey is a stubborn girl an hour passed by before she said yes to my offer. She put every excuse out on the table for her not to stay. She even said that Crystal would get mad at her or something.

“I’ll take you up to your room and tomorrow we’ll get your stuff”

A/N: Wattpad is getting on my nerves today !!!! I hope you liked this chapter please comment and/or vote:) 

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