22 random facts about my love stories

31 2 24

Another random facts chapter to celebrate 40 one-shots and 22 books overall 🩷


1- YBWM is a 2-part series (and my most relatable)

2- The Lakes is my shortest book 

3- Haunted is my longest book

4- The Way I Love You is the quickest book to be completed 

5- Wonderland is my latest book

6- I write most of these stories with my lover, Ria 

7- The Lakes was this many chapters

8- Haunted was gonna be way shorter

9- F&A was going to be a Hannah Montana crossover at one point 

10- I have 24 stories counting the oneshot books and the ones I deleted 

11- ILYS was started on my birthday

12- Juliet was in YBWM part 1

13- Don't Blame Me is the most fun to write

14- Taylor wasn't in my early stories 

15- Sabrina and Olivia weren't gonna be in Haunted

16- Paper Rings took a week to finish

17- Gold Rush is my most forgotten story

18- My first Lovertation was the one with the most angst

19- Tayless is my most written ship

20- Poetlore is my least written ship

21- Haunted was supposed to end at this number of chapters 



Long Live Lovelies 🩷

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