2. Kidnapped

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Kirstie P.O.V.

I wake up in a room I'm not familiar with, chained to a bed. Me arms upwards to the head of the bed, and my feet chained to the footboard. The walls are a darkish tone of red, just like the pillows and the blanket I'm laying on. And the closet and the bed and every other thing in the room is beige. There's two doors. When I look to the side I see on the bedside table a glass bowl filled with condoms. GROSS!!

I'm about to scream the loudest I can for help when one of the doors opens and a man walks in. "Hey there sweetheart. You finally awake? I'm glad to see that." He says and sits down on the edge of the bed and strokes my cheek with one of his big-ass hands. "Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" I said, trying to sound strong and not afraid at all, even though I actually was pretty scared.

"That doesn't matter baby, what's your name?" He said and smiled at me like he was a father trying to relax his daughter. "Kirstin. Maldonado." I said and tried to pull my head away of his hand that was still stroking my cheek. "Good, Kirstin. Beautiful name." He said. "Well Kirstin, what are your strongest points if I may ask?"

"What do you mean strongest points? In what?!" I asked, confused, afraid and angry at the same time. "Oh honey.... I'll just find out then...." He said and leaned down. He pressed his lips against mine, and started kissing me roughly. He pulled away fast though. "Kiss me back sweetheart" he said and tried again, I still didn't kiss back though. "Kiss me back!" He said and slapped me hard across the face.

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks while I kissed him back. He climbed on top of me and roughly started pulling off my clothes. While the tears streamed over my cheeks I felt his weight getting off me. I opened one eye and smiled a little bit when I saw that he climbed of me and stood up straight. "Don't think I'm finished already beauty, I only just started" he said and an evil grin spread across his face.

The smile on my face disappeared while I closed my eyes again when I saw what he was doing. He stripped down naked and climbed back on top. "And don't forget to kiss me back!" He said with an intimidating voice and pressed his lips against mine again. While we were roughly kissing against my will, I heard him grab a condom from the glass bowl on my bedside table. He opened it and put it on. About ten seconds later I felt him enter me and couldn't help but scream.

"SHUT UP" he said and continued kissing me while he quickened his pace inside me. I kept crying while I kissed him back, this couldn't be happening. After about ten minutes I finally felt him release inside me. He pulled back and climbed off me. While he was throwing the condom away I slowly opened my eyes. He turned around and came back to me, I quickly shut my eyes again and tried not to let out another stream of tears.

"Not bad, Kirstin. But I've seen better. You need to learn a lot more before we can put you on public." "O-on p-p-public?" I asked almost unhearable and opened my eyes again. The man was putting his clothes back on, but just when he was about to answer I heard a door slam. "Be right back" the man said and walked out the door while zipping up his pants and quickly putting on his shirt. He left me there naked and I couldn't help but start crying again.

"New one? What's her name?" I heard a voice say while footsteps came closer to my door. "Kirstin, boss. Kirstin Maldonado" I heard the man say that just raped me. "YOU KIDNAPPED MY BEST FRIEND?!" The voice said, and I could now hear who the boss was.


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