10. Doctor Olusola

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Kirstie P.O.V.
"Hello?" I said while holding the phone up to my ear. I was cuddled up on the couch with Mitch. "Hello miss Maldonado, this is doctor Olusola. I have the results of the tests here." The voice on the other side said. I looked up at Mitch and he gives me a supportive smile.

"Uhm... Okay... Is it something bad?" I stand up from the couch and walk to the hall. Olusola laughs. "No miss, it's something I think you might be happy about. Miss Maldonado, I'm happy to tell you that you're pregnant. One and a half month."


"Oh.... Okay, thank you" I say while trying to fight back the tears. "No problem miss. Congratulations, and have a good day!" He says. "Thanks, you too." I quickly respond and hang up just in time before I burst out in tears.

I walk back to the living room and as soon as Mitch sees me he walks up to me and hugs me tight. "I thought this whole Alex thing would be over!" I said while sobbing in his chest. He takes me to the couch and pulls me to sit on his lap.

"What do you mean kit? It is over, remember the police men who came to take all his stuff to his new apartment?" He says calmly. "No Mitch... It-it was the doctor calling, Mitch I-I'm pregnant.... From Alex..." I hide my face in his chest, afraid of his reaction.

"Owh.... I'm sorry kit... What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know Mitchie... I feel like I need to tell him... Should I?"
"Maybe you should, you wanna call him?"
"No, I need to tell him face to face. This can affect our whole future."
"You're right.... I guess. Shall I come with you?"
"No, this is something I need to do on my own. Besides, you have that meeting for your work with.... What's his name? Oh, Kaplan."
"Oh yeah, you're right, again...."
"I'm always right"
"I know"

I stand up and walk to the door to the hall. "I better go now, maybe I'm still on time to see him at his work, then I don't have to go to his apartment" "Okay, good luck babe, see you tonight!" I quickly put on my shoes and jacket and get in the car.

When I pull up at the center a shiver goes through my spine, but I have to do this. I get out my car and enter the building, immediately spotting John. "What are you doing here? You better go if I were you. Alex won't be happy to see you" he says when his eyes meet mine. "I know... But I have to talk to him" I answer with a soft voice and walk towards John with my eyes to the ground.

"I won't be happy to see who? Oh.... Kirstin." Alex appears in the door of his office. "H-hey Alex" I look up and meet his eyes to try to show him my emotions, which were sadness and nervousness.

"What do you need?!" He answers, clearly not interested in my nervousness. "C-can we talk, in private? I-it's k-kinda important." I say and quickly look back down at my feet. "Fine, come in." He huffs and walks back into his office. I follow him inside and as soon as I close the door I fall through my knees to the ground.

To my surprise Alex quickly comes to me and holds me tight, I missed those arms around me. "What's wrong sweetie? Are you okay?" He said with a worried tone in his voice. "N-no, Alex, I need to tell you something... I-I-I..." "What is it sweetheart?" He said and rubs my back while I lay my head on his chest.

I take a deep breath "I'm pregnant and you are the father" I say almost impossibly fast. "Wow wow wow... Say that again, in a tempo that I can understand what you say." "Alex, I'm pregnant.... And you are the father."

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