11. Second chance

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Alex P.O.V.
"Alex, I'm pregnant..... And you're the father" she says between sniffs. "Uhm... Okay... Wow... So, what do you want from me now? Do you need money for an abortion?" I say while taking a step back from her. I can't be dad! Damn I should've just used a condom when I did her all those times.

"No, I don't wanna murder an unborn baby. I thought.... Maybe.... You and I.... I mean... We.... Maybe we can try again?" She says. "Wait what?! You mean you don't hate me?  You want a relationship with me?!" My eyes widen, this is the last thing I expected.

"Y-yeah, I mean, but different. I want you to be a normal boyfriend. One that takes care of me and who doesn't want to control the relationship" she looks up at me, and I can see in her eyes that she means it. I smile "I would love too." I say and hug her. This story can take a positive twist for me.

She hugs back and I can feel that she also smiles.  "Shall I text you later then?" I ask her and put a piece of hair behind her ear while smiling down at her. "Yes okay." She says and looks back into my eyes. A short silence falls but after a minute I break the silence by connecting our lips in a soft kiss.

I hear a soft giggle coming out of the small girl when she kisses back. "I'll hear from you then!" She says after pulling back. She once more kisses my cheek and then leaves my office. I can't help but grin.

Scott P.O.V.
The front door slams shut and a happy Kirstie walks into the living room. "Hey Scotty!" She says and jumps on top of me on the couch while giggling. "Hey kitten, excited about something?" I say while laughing too. "We're gonna try again!" She says with a large grin on her face. "Who's we? And what are you gonna try again?" "Alex and I! I went to his work and we're gonna try to date again, but now without forcing into things and just with dates and stuff!"

"WAIT WHAT?! YOU WENT TO ALEX?! GIRL ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I push her off me and stand up. "Relax Scott, it's okay, he didn't do anything." She says and stands up as well. "YOU CAN'T JUST GO BACK TO HIM! YOU HATE HIM! HE KIDNAPPED YOU AND RAPED YOU!" "But he loves me, and I love him.... And I want to give him a second chance."

"WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE ASS A SECOND CHANCE?!" I started to loose control of my body and was almost at the point of throwing and breaking something. "Well I do kinda have a crush on him.... And now with this call from Olusola I don't really have a choice...." She says and sits back down on the couch.

Call from doctor Olusola? What call?

"What do you mean call from Olusola? Is something wrong?" I'm immediately calm again, and sit down next to Kirstie. "Yeah Scott, something is wrong. Alex got me pregnant. I don't want an abortion so I need to have this baby with him." She says with a damn serious voice.

"You don't have to have it with him! You can have it on your own, and Mitch and I can help! We can be the baby's fathers and you are the mother. That's way better then going back to the jerk!" "Don't call the baby an it, he or she isn't a thing, he or she is a person." Kirstie stands up from the couch and it's obvious that she's sad.

Good job Scott, you ruined everything, again. "That's not important right now! You can't go back to the asshole! He doesn't deserve you!"
"Well I think that's MY choice!"
"I won't allow you!"
"I don't need your permission!" And with that she ran to her room crying.
About fifteen minutes later she comes back into the living room with a big bag.

"Goodbye Scott. Since you don't seem to accept me, I'm leaving."

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