4. Movies and.... Paprika?

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Kirstie P.O.V.

It has been two weeks since I woke up here in this room. I found out it was from a prostitution centre. GROSS!! Lucky for me... Well kinda lucky.... Not really but it could've been worse... Ugh, forget it! What I was saying, I'm Alex's 'private toy' as I call it. He calls it 'his true love'.

I did love him, yeah, that's true. But since this.... Well, it got less. I mean, it's not completely gone, but... Ugh! I hate explaining! Since that first fuck party he gave himself I've been feeling gross and slutty, but things got better after that. When he was not at work, he unchained me, so that I could walk around the room, take showers and go to the toilet and stuff.

There was a cute little fridge in the closet which he would fill once a week. The food was gross, but hey! It was food! In the closet were also clothes, they were mostly the same and ugly. There were also seven dresses, all the same design but in different colors. Short strapless dresses with a zipper in the front. 'So that you can open it without unchaining'.

Yes, you heard me, still chained during sex. He fucks me a lot. Like... Every two days or something... It's mostly not fun, but yeah.... I don't really have a choice... He also tries to be nice though! It mostly doesn't work, but he tries! I remember a week ago.....

I wake up by the door opening and someone walking in. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" Alex said while walking up to next to my bed and he sits on the edge. I see that he has his laptop in his hands, but I'm not interested enough to ask why. "Fine" I say and give him an angry stare. He smiles.

"Great, I hope you're feeling okay cause I wanna watch a movie with you." Oh great.... A movie.... Well, at least he tries being nice to me. He puts his laptop down and unchains my arms, he says to sit up and put my arms behind my back and when I do so he chains me to the bed again.

"I didn't know what kinda movies you like and haven't seen yet so I just downloaded one that I like" he says and sits down on the bed next to me. I sigh. "Oh wait! I forgot something" he says and walks out the door. He comes back with a big bag of paprika chips, completely forgetting that I'm allergic to paprika.

"Couldn't you choose a flavor that I can eat too?!" I say with an irritated tone in my voice. "Of course you can eat this too! Why wouldn't you??" He said, still no clue why I can't eat it. "I c-" I started my sentence but he cut me off with a rough kiss. I HATE THE KISSING BACK RULE.

"Shhh.... Sweetheart, everything is okay. I love you." He said and opened up his laptop to start the movie. Mad Max..... Can it be even more stupid and a typical man's movie?! He sat close to me and forced my head to lay on his shoulder. When we were 10 minutes into the movie and I already almost fell asleep, he opened the bag of chips and ate a couple.

He took a chip out of the bag and held it in front of my mouth. "No I don't-" as soon as my mouth opened to say something he propped the chip in my mouth. "NO ALEX DON'T-" another chip was propped into my mouth. Lucky for me, after that he stopped.

2 hours, a movie, 3 times that I almost fell asleep, and half a bag of paprika chips later he kisses my cheek and lays the laptop away. Oh great, here we go again.... Another half hour and a heavy sex party later he FINALLY leaves. Lucky for me he unchained me first. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. I HATE PAPRIKA!

Ugh... I still shiver every time I think back.... Further I spent most of my time crying, sometimes in my bed, sometimes in a corner, sometimes in the bathroom.

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