7. Freedom

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Kirstie P.O.V.
"Hello mister, I would like to know the price for that room?" I hear someone say in the hall outside to the man I learned was named John. "Sorry, as you can see, that room is boss only." John said, talking about my room. "Yes I saw that. But how much extra do I need to pay to get in there?" The voice sounded kind of familiar but lower, and I couldn't recognize who it was.

"What have you got to offer?" John said. I gasped, he was really gonna let someone in here?! "I'll pay you double of what it costs. 2 hours unchained, 400 dollar right? I'll give you 800." The voice said, and I could almost hear his grin. "Okay fine, but if my boss is gonna fire me because of this you owe me 1000" John said.

"Alright, deal. Tell the girl to close her eyes when I come in. she can only open them when I say so" "Alright, your room will be ready in a minute" John said and then the door opened and John walked in. I quickly pretended to be sleeping.

"Hey Kirstin, wake up. You have your first client. He wants you to keep your eyes closed until he says so. And remember. Kiss back." John said and slapped me across the face. I cry softly and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard John leave and right after that someone else entering the room.

"Hello sweetheart, are you okay? I missed you." The man with the forced low voice said and sat on the edge of the bed. I kept my eyes squeezed shut, because John told me to, but also to try not to cry. "Sit up, I want to try something" the man said and took my hands. He lightly pulled my hands while I sat up.

He took my hands in his and I could feel that his were way bigger than mine. He had to be pretty big. "Think about what I'm letting you feel okay?" He said and then moved my hands to his jaw.

He made me slide my hands down over his jaw. Such a perfectly shaped jaw, I knew such a jaw. "One last hint" he said and then lifted one of my hands up to his hair. I slid my hand through his hair and smiled. "I think you guessed, open your eyes" the man said. I opened my eyes and the smile on my face grew even bigger. I hugged him tight and cried of happiness to see him back.

Scott. My best friend Scott. He found me and came here to save me. "Shh.... Relax kitty.... Give me one second, I have a plan." He said and let go of me. I sat there, smiling and crying while Scott took out his phone. I looked over his shoulder to his phone and saw him sending a text to Mitch.

Scott: I'm with Kirst, now it's your turn.

Mitchie was here too. My smile grew even wider, if that was possible. I heard footsteps coming in and a voice that was obviously Mitch, but he forced it lower. "Hi, I would like one hour, chained. Vanessa." He said, and his low voice sounded kinda cute.

"Come" Scott whispered and pulled me to stand up. We walked to the door and waited.
"Okay, wait a minute, I'm gonna chain her." John said and we heard footsteps going to the door of the room next to mine. When we heard the door slam shut Scott pulled my door open and we ran as fast as we could.

The three of us were running. Outside the door of the centre, across the street and to the car. Scott stepped in the drivers seat while Mitch was climbing in the back. I ran to the other side and climbed in the passenger seat. We were driving, I was free, I made it. But then realization hit me.

"Scott?" I said, sounding sad, even more sad then I actually was. "Yes kit?" He said with a relaxed tone while he looked at me for a second and then concentrated on the road again.

"What are we gonna do with Alex?"

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