Ch 45:

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Cel sat outside staring at the apple, his hand hovering over it. He should be doing more then this. He had his headphones on and hummed softly

"Doubting what you are doing are we?" Stolas comments and smiled as he appeared. Cel jumps slightly but sighed and nods "immature of me to ask but, what am I doing this for?" Cel asked.

"Well, to become what you are meant to be, you have steps to go through. You are going to become something great.... something important, duplicating things with your mana is what you are kinda supposed to be able to do" Stolas said.

"What am I supposed to be?" Cel asked. He had held off to this question for a while. Hell look at him

He is able to fly, carry things heavier then a building, bring something back from the dead, sure not the same but still. He could feel others emotions and sometimes poke at them to reveal them.

He can do so many things now, for what tho? What is he ....he had been told multiple times that he was 'anything but human'

"I wish I could say Kiddo" Stolas sighed. "But you will become something great that I wish I'd be able to see" he smiled.

Cel blinked "wait what?" He asks.

"My lord" Zoro came out

Cel looked to him "yes?" He asked as he looks to him. Zoro walks to him "I wanted to apologize for keeping things from you" he states. Cel looked to him "you knew huh?" He asks.

The orc frowned and nods "we just didn't want to worry you, you are on your own kind of busy becoming the £√÷×€§... That we didn't want to keep you from that path"

Cel blinked and scratched his ear "the what?"


why was Zoro's voice glitching, Zoro held his head.

Cel raised a brow at that but ignores it. The human only looked away and smiled "I appreciate your reasoning and for not telling me" Cel said softly.

"Just wish I could've.....meh what ever" he crossed his arms. He paused. When he felt something off, he looked at his hand

He sees in arrow in his grasp, with something tied to it. Cel raised a brow, Zoro stiffens at the sudden shot "what the hell?" Zoro frowned he takes the tube and opens it and reads.

"What?" The orc mumbles as he reads on and pales.

Cel looked to him "what's the matter?' he asked. "We need to get this to the Queen" Zoro states


'revenge is cliche, but this seems like the best course of action'

'for years I have helped you and your people, savaging and distributing what you need from inside the cave you were all forced to stay in....and this is what you repay me with?'

'bring the Sun in the middle of the manastone field, and I won't detonate the huge stones underneath your settlement'

"To the point huh?" Cel mumbles looked at the note. Lorline held her head and sighed .

"Alright I'll go" Cel shrugged. Zoro and Lorline sweatdrop "why would you do that, what if she has something to kill you" Zoro steps up and puts a hand on Cels shoulder. Cel looked back at him and raised a brow "what could possibly kill me at this level?" He asks.

"Mana" Sara spoke up

Cel blinked "huh?" He asks.

"Mana can kill you, if projected straight at you and lands" she explains and frowns. "You haven't been able to guide and manipulate it yet, if it lands into you, your mortal flesh will certainly be destroyed"

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