ch 30: sapphire

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(((*Time skip FOR NOW*))

Cel felt so


So powerful.

He looked around at the knew crowed around him, he smiled brightly.

"Wow" he mumbles as he looked over to see Lance and Guinevere.

They were alive, Cel tears up and ran to them. Them having to almost die for his sake was so touching.

"You guys are okay!" He sighed happily and hugged the two. The two hugged him.

" so...much" Guinevere sniffs.

Cel smiled as he looked around then sees


Cels eyes widen "stolas!" He exclaims and ran to him.

Stolas turned and smiled "hey ki-"

He was tackled

"Ooooww" stolas groaned as he was swung around. "Alright alright! I missed you too!" Stolas exclaims and smiled.

Then deadpanned when he sees Cel start bawling his eyes out. Cel cried out lots of tears as his hands frantically flapped around and he stomped on each foot.

Stolas smiled softly and patted the males head gently.

He looked around at the beautiful scenery, full of grass and trees and flowers, there was a meadow.

His eyes widen abit as he sees the serpent from before, in Jinwoo's first instant dungeon.

It was smaller and younger.

Then he sees the spider walking along with it.

"Guys" Cel mutters.

He jumps when all of his subjects stood before him and kneeled.

The bunny

Along with his now pet serpent and spider, both small, but steadily regaining mana. And many other creatures of almost all shapes and sizes. And the army he had just revived.

"Huh?" Cel blinked.

He turns to stolas and Sara
Both seemed to have been great guides for him thus far.

"They are your subjects" stolas explains.

"These creatures are from the eggs you have collected, they have all been here. Rehabilitating and resting." Sara smiled. "Using the runes you've collected, you have nurtured a strong bunch of subjects." Stolas explains.

"Wow" Cel mumbles then turns to see Kang who bowed.

"Hey" Cel spoke up and Kang raised his head "sup Flashlight" he gave a lazy smirk.

Cel smiled "you look happier now" the male comments.

Kang nods "yea, staying here....helped and not in a weird culty way, I still don't like you" Kang shrugged.

Many gasped at that comment. Cel sighed and rolled his eyes "good to see that I didn't brain wash you or something" Cel mumbles then sees Zoro.

"Zoro" Cel gasped and smiled brightly.

"Hello my lord" Zoro bowed his head. "Oh please, I don't like that name" Cel grumbles and shook his head.

"All of you are welcome to just call em cel" the blonde announced. They all bowed their heads and nod.

Cel hummed "um....I never thought I would be titled

God's prodigy

He spoke those works, he wondered. What a strange title. His hips swayed from side to side as his hands still flapped on his sides in excitement. "It's like having a huge stadium of friends, how many do I have right now?" Cel asked turning to Sara and stolas.

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