[[Tw: sewerslide tendencies, attempts, body dysphoria, little gore up in here, self hurt.
Lil steep hill of a chapter. Maybe big TW ]]He kept going.
This was new, he didn't have the energy to throw one more punch. He felt the ground below him move.
He took a steady stance as he moved around and over. His eyes widen when he sees a wall heading towards him. He jumped and backflipped over the moving wall.
They moved like the Vines he had dealt with before.
Cel coughed out blood and stumbles when he lands.
He them jumps from wall to wall, to stairs to window. He was looking for the core of this whole dungeon. Everywhere was nowhere, when? Never. Make sense right? Everything was everywhere but also nowhere. It's been so nowhere you don't need a where, Nothing made sense, sense isn't sensing.
Things went up and down and over and out.
All of this made cel feel like he was having a fuckin stroke. Writing this made the Author have a stroke.
Cel was being thrown around this dimension of chaos, he had plans but plans never came out the way he wanted, any strategic thought was thrown out the window because things would change to quickly to follow through. Cel grumbles as he thought of something.
He had to go faster than the movement of the dungeon.
He grunts as he jumps from one platform to another, he went faster, faster Faster
Cel's eyes widen as he looked up to see a wall was inches close, Cel grits his teeth and flicked his hand, the wall went the other way. Cel looked up at what happened and saw his hand was glowing.
[Telekinesis: activated]
Cel smiled slightly, his was numb.
He wanted to get this over with, he saw a bunch of knights coming at him.
2 hours in later
Cel stared at his work, turns out he was allowed to kill here, he blinked. Were these guys alive in the first place?
Cel charged up, and tried his first plan.
Everything went slow, he added points to his stats.
Till he saw the core, in the mitts of his movement, he made a sharp turn and launched himself into the orb, it broke and he fell into it.
He blinked and looked around, he kneeled and whimpers slightly, was still injured.
Stumbles and looked around, it was a place full of mirrors, he looked around and sighed ''come out! I'm fucking tired! And I need to go home!" He yelled out. He jumps when he sees something move.
He jumps slightly and backed up then looked up.
There were a pair of eyes
Big eyes
Really really Big eyes
Cel backed up even more and sees her.
The boss of this twisty random and awful place ''who......knew.......a human......was...able.....to go......through.....the...first........obstacle'' it spoke, she spoke. In a soft whispery voice.Cel looked up at her and gave her a face ''so you are the boss?" He asks
''I........am'' she nods as she slowly sat on her thighs, the ground rumbled as she moved, she had to be at least 70 ft tall. Bigger then the smaller statues at the double dungeon but shorter then the biggest one of them.

Sun & Moon [[Editing.....Slowly]]
FanficStory about how 2 males Opposite but similar fall in love And just so happen to become gods in the end Together forever Hello, I am Tim (To followers or regular readers: I'm BACK, I have no excuse to why I haven't finished my other works) To New co...