Ch 18: Lepidolite

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''Silly, you forgot to tell me about that key'' Cel smiled and ran up to him.

''How did you'' Jinwoo spoke nervously.

''Clairvoyance'' Cels eyes glowed for a moment then faded away as he giggled. He fiddled with his scarf in silent anger.

''sorry about that....theres been lots on my mind'' Jinwoo said scratching his face and looking away to avoid eye contact. 'He lied again' Cel frowned and nods. ''Well glad I caught up to you'' he cheered.

''Right'' Jinwoo gritted his teeth, he was scared and frustrated. He didn't want Cel to come, because it was dangerous. He went mental the second he saw a bead of blood fall down Cels dark skin. He was entering S rank territory, this would definitely become dangerous. He didn't want him to COME DAMMIT.

Cel refused to leave Jinwoo alone for a split second. Both of them didn't want the other to get hurt, one had to lie and the other had to snoop around to find out.

He then turns Jinwoo around and stared into his eyes, Jinwoo lets him.



Cel blinked and smiled happily, tho he was angry.

Stola watched them and sighed. Both want to become strong. Both want to protect the other. They think they trust each other. But both oare insecure of their own power to protect each other.

They couldn't be any more similar. This could go one of both ways
Being the most powerful duo or mortal enemies.

Jinwoo looked at Cel he then sighed he knew Cel was stubborn in his own right. he turned to opens the door, it was a big gate that for sure. Cels eyes wide but he walked up to Jinwoo and stood next to him. ''Hey Stolas, will I be able to help?" He asked. Stolas nods ''S rank instant gates have enough power to them that it will be able to cloud your existence'' Stolas confirms and that mad Jinwoo tense.

Jinwoo hummed and looked at the teleportion rune he held in his hand ''if anything gets too rough we can use this to escape'' Jinwoo spoke turning to Cel. Cel nods ''okay''

'If I see even a drop of blood fall from his body I will use this to get him out' Jinwoo confirms as they both entered the gate.

Everything was on fire and it all looked destroyed. ''Eesh'' Cel mumbles then walked with Jinwoo then stopped when he turned and a loud roar was heard , Cel held covered his ears and huffed. ''So loud'' he mumbles. It was a Cerberus

A lot of his body was screaming for him to run away, he just got better he wasn't ready, not to mention he can heal the type of wounds he receives from the dungeons they've done already.

Both of them summon daggers, Cel was glad he got a new power. Thing that made him wonder is , why did it say lost power? Instead of new? whatever\

Both lashed forward and tried getting its leg, Cel made a cut but it healed as soon as it was made. He huffs softly and got nervous but jumps up and gets on the Cerberus and ran to grab onto two of its head, he grunts and pulled on them. The Cerberus raised his heads and tries shaking Cel off, Jinwoo took the chance to slash its neck and use paralysis.

At least attempt to.

The Cerberus grabbed Cel with its tail and flicked its tail to throw him at Jinwoo. ''Ack!" Cel yelps as he smacks into Jinwoo, in the middle of their fal, Cerberus strikes again with its tail, demolishing a building.

It ran through the dust and was about to rip Cels head off but Jinwoo pushed Cel away and got bit in the arm. Jinwoo screamed, Cels eyes widen as he jumped and yelled as he summons a axe hammer and slammed it into the cerberus's snout, digging deep enough for it to release Jinwoo. Cel grabs Jinwoo but cried out when the Cerberus hits him with the steel on one of its head. Slamming them both into a building.

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