Ch 40: Geode

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Cel skipped a long, in his nice new disguise. His hair was dyed brown, he was short too.

He had to thank michealis for the fancy look. He hummed as he looked at himself in his mirror. His eyes were brown now, dull look but that was perfectly fine.

He looked around as his hands swayed at his sides. The news were still on and on about his 'revival' it has been a week already. He knew his new assistant lady was all over looking for him. He has left a note and a cookie, just so she wouldn't get mad.

"You looked....very different" Jinwoo mumbles as he looks at Cel. He held out his hand and messed with Cels longer locks, almost missing the blonde locks would almost glow in the light when he would run his fingers through them.

Cel smiled "I's so new" he grinned as he felt giddy again. "History is filled with similar connoisseurs of camouflage, and we have an entire list to prove it. Let's start with the granddaddy of all disguises -- the horse that concealed an army that conquered an overconfident army, the Trojan horse" his eyes shimmered.

The dark haired male smiled and nods as he walked by then they arrived at the excavation sight. Cel states at the gate in awe, he has seen stronger but this was the first to stare back at an A rank gate in person.

"Everyone this is who I wanted to tag along with me" Jinwoo explains. "Right, the a new hunter" the boss comments and smiled. "You have a strong build, makes you perfect for this job" he smiled and pats Cels broad chest. Cel smiled "thank you, I'll do my best!" He huffs in determination and punches the air.

"That's what I like to hear" the boss smirks and nods. Cels confidence pumped the other guys up too. Cel grinned as he greets others, he points out the different types of Rangers and their jobs, explaining what he used to be.

Jinwoo smiled as he watched, reminded him of a close yet distant past.

They went in.

Cel closed his eyes as they glowed, he stared at the mana crystals. He sees how the mana flowed inside it's crystal casing, flowing around in endless circles. He cracks his knuckles as he takes off his jacket.

"Let's do this" he states as his muscles tensed as he got to work, didn't take much force, if he didn't want to break the whole cave, he had to hold back on the pickaxe.

He sighed in content as he threw a crystal into a basket. He took a break after 17 baskets, he had noticed someone was staring as he wiped his face with the helm of his shirt. He perked up Abit, he raised a brow when he sees a head turn quickly away.

It was Jin

Cel tilts his head for a moment but turned bright red as it clicks, he looked away and puts his shirt down shyly. Didn't help since his shirt is white and he was sweat, so the shirt stuck to his skin.

Cel puts on his sweater immediately, despite the HORRENDOUS texture feeling.

Soon enough

They were resting, some from the raiding team came up to the boss.

"Could I borrow a man, from the excavation team?" He asked and smiled "out luggage carrier is a no show today" he explains.

There were many worried looks, hesitance in the team. The leader of the raid offered extra money.

It was too dangerous, Cel looked at them then at the leader "should we join?" Cel asked Jinwoo, Jinwoo drank his water and sighed "I'll go, they only asked for one man" Jinwoo explains "stay outside and wait for me?" The male looked at Cel.

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