Ch 42: Benitoite

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Cel places his hand in Jinwoos shoulderqnd looked at the group then smiled sheepishly at them.

"Celeste Quetzalcoatl" a healer gasped "when did he get here?" A mage asked.

Jin-chul and his guards were quick to walk in front of the two. Introducing himself.

"The association is managing hunter Jinwoo Sung's case,all matter relating to him will be considered top secret. Everything that has happened here is not confidential and shall not be told to anyone" he explains.

Jin-chul seemed to be getting things under wraps. Cel leaned onto Jinwoo tiredly "I'm tired" he whispers.

Jinwoo looked to Cel and nods "lets go home" he said softly. Cel nods but pushed away from him for a moment.

"Ahem" he called out as the group looked to him. "Keep everything you saw me do secret okay?" He covers his mouth with a finger.

"I'm not the same as before, and I'd like to keep that fact under wraps too" cel sighed.

The group all give their nods out of respect for the S rank.

Cel and jinwoo parted ways.

Cel sat in his pile of blankets and started at his hands. He looked all around him then looks at himself in the big mirror he has hanging from his door. He could see his own aura, it was an ever flowing blossom of mana.

"I look pretty" he smiled

It felt so weird being without his classes.

Next few days

Cel was currently in the hunter association building with Gun hee go, waiting on Jinwoo to arrive for his special evolution. As one of South Korea's most important Hunters and their Only NL. Cel is stuck overseeing the hunters association. Such a bother

Thankfully tho, his had struck a deal which made his lil business grow twice as big. He had workers, people passionate enough to craft beautiful weapons and armors. Cel hand picked them himself, accepting promising ametaurs and aspiring professionals with big dreams too.

Cel smiled happily as he waited, munching on his chocolate chip cookies and red grapes along with it. Gun hee go sighed "you sure you cannot say what abilities he holds? You are very close to him" the old man smiled.

Cel raised a brow then shook his head "nuh uh, I'm not saying anything unless Jin is here" he states and blushed as he looked away. "But...we have been living together for 5 years, as lower ranked hunters actually" he recalled the many dungeons he and Jinwoo had gone in. Causing troubles and such, ranting about their frustrations. Jinwoo being an E rank and Cel being foreign and a tad bit mental disabled. He was just a high functioning Autistic male with a big interest on weapons.

And torture

Pretty normal to him.

His lil crush on jinwoo had grown Alot more then just a crush......

He wasn't acting on it since he knew Jin woo was focused on becoming stronger, no way in hell would he have time for....them.

It's understandable, for most that would upset others but cel found it as just a mere set back he can wait for. Cel looked over to Jin-chul "hey Jin chul, have you seen the documentaries I sent you, I feel like those are the proper ways of punishing a criminal" Cel spoke and nods.

Jin-chul sweatdrops and shook his head "European torture is inhuman and probably won't be allowed" he explains to Cel for the hundredth time.

Cel huffs the paused as he felt the familiar chill up his spin and he smiled as he stood "Jin's here" he exclaims. He sets some grapes and half a cookie aside for Jinwoo to eat some too.

He and gun hee walked to the front, there were a lot of photos being taken that it irritated Cel almost instantly. He heard one of this minsung lee bodyguard giving jin a hard time.

"Who told you he couldn't come this way?" Gun hee called out curiously. Cel crossed his arms Abit as he sees the two males looking like they are going to piss themselves.

"Come along him" Cel took his hand and pulled up off. Jinwoo followed instantly. As Gun hee.

They entered a big room, Cel blinked as he looked around, he remembers this place, he kinda destroyed a lil chunk of it when he was evoluted. Who knows what would happen to the building if he tried doing it again?

"Alright then, just show us what you can do" the tester smiled. Cel stood back and let jinwoo do his thing.

Jinwoo summons one minion, Cel snorts as he knew Jinwoo was teasing Abit. Lil did he know

Jinwoo was trying his best to make Cel laugh and felt proud when he succeeded. He wanted to brag, even tho Cel knew of his brilliance. He was powerful

And he wanted to brag and impress everyone around him, just Abit. All to impress Cel too, even tho Cel was already very impressed at his skills.

"Surely that isn't all you can it?" Gun hee raised a brow at the male.

Jinwoo hummed as he shrugs and summoned more minions. "I can summon around a hundred of them" jinwoo states, making Gun here's and the testers eyes pop wide open. Cel only smirked and crossed his arms slightly "total bad ass" he comments.

"And you?" Gun Hee go looked to His Son figure. Cel looked at him and blinked "I dont wanna disclose much of myself if you don't mind" Cel shrugged and looked away. Wasn't long before he finished his snacks

Cel hummed as stood again, when jinwoo was given his updated hunters license. Jinwoo stared at it then looked at Cel "you coming with?" Jinwoo asked hopefully, been a while since it was just them again.

Cel blushes slightly but nods as he walks to him.

They then ran into Yoonho baek and Choi jong in . "Oh ...hi" Cel smiled and waved awkwardly.

Yoon ho gulps and nods in response "ever the good boy for Celeste huh?" jong in smirks. "Says the total Simp" Yoon ho snaps back as they glare at each other.

Celeste stared at them in confusion, were they always like this in the past? He raised a brow but shrugged as he passed them. He instantly remembered the stupid duties that were given to him so he walked by quick.

"Not so fast you still have work to do here" Jong in grabs Cels collar. "hunter Sung Jin woo, a moment?" Yoon ho called out.

"Nooo!" Cel frailed his arms around as he pulled. Jinwoo looks back at them, he frowned seeing Cel being grabbed like that, he narrowed his eyes as they glowed slightly as he pulled on Cels hand.

"I would go through there" Jong in huffs. Cel grumbles as he pulled and yelps as jong in let's go, Cel forehead and ends up falling onto jinwoo and they both tumble out of the door.

All they both could see are flashes, Cel was laying on something.

He felt something soft on his lips was nice and warm. Cel blinked as he got used to the lights and looked down. He raised his head up.

Jinwoo was right under him, with very red cheeks. First time in a while he saw any huge amounts of emotion in his expression. Cel blushed heavily to when all he could hear was chaos.

Both Yoon ho and Jong in sweatdrops


SOUTH Korea's TENTH S rank hunter
Sung Jin woo

New S rank and S rank Celeste

S rank hunter Celeste a QUEER??!!


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