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There was no one more happy and excited than Oliver when he learnt that his plan had eventually worked. He kept hugging his brother and honestly this was the first time Shawn had seen his brother being so carefree and jumpy. He loved it. They haven't told their parents yet, wanting to savour some time of their own before that. But Oliver had to know since it was his plan.

Janette was seconds from growling when she heard that it was Oliver who had suggested Shawn that he should go after another girl, but she also couldn't be more thankful to the younger because his idea had knocked some sense into her.

It was a weekend so Janette stayed over at the Archer's, like they always do. So, nothing suspicious about it. But she could tell the look on Destiny's eyes. A knowing, motherly gleam. She shrugged it off and held a half asleep Shawn in her arms as they watched movie.

The older pair didn't bother them much and went up to their room after bidding them goodnight, leaving the new lovers alone.

"Come on, Damy. Let's get you to bed." Janette said, brushing back the boy's hair and kissing the side of his head.

Now that she's allowed, with every right, she couldn't seem to keep her hands or lips to herself even for a moment longer without touching and kissing her boy.

Her boy.

That was who Shawn has been, always.

"Noo, we gotta finish the movie." Shawn whined, nuzzling deeper into her neck. Janette chuckled.

"You're not even facing the tv, baby."

She heard a small grumble coming from her neck and just held him tighter, shivering when she felt a kiss being pressed to her collarbone.

She eventually managed to get him on his feet and carefully led him up to his room. Turning off the lights, she joined Shawn on bed and the latter immediately snuggled himself in her arms, buring his face in her chest. It was getting hard to contain the butterflies from constantly bursting in her stomach now a days, Janette noted.

Draping the blanket over them, Janette held him tight and kissed his forehead, gradually falling asleep to his light snores.


Kai and Lila had come to visit them the next morning. Lila was feeling a lot better now and wanted bring in some treats for her grandchildren. Janette watched in awe as Aaron and his parents in law interacted, the love they shared was tangible almost and it radiated off of them as they smiled, laughed and talked.

She had heard from Shawn about his father's backstory. Even her dad had told her bits and pieces of how Aaron had lived so scared and alone for most of his life till Destiny came in his life. And now seeing him so fucking perfectly mingled in this family, no one could tell he wasn't their own. It made her heart swell with respect for this man and for that they had given to raise her Shawn.

"Have one, darling." Lila insisted, shoving a huge cookie in Janette's hands despite her protests. She eventually took it, thanking politely and taking a bite out of it. On the other end of the kitchen counter, the three Archer siblings had their mouths and hands stuffed with the same stuff. Janette barely held back a snort. "So, Jane. How's everything going? How's Jayden and Genevieve? It's been ages since meeting them." Kai chirped in, sipping from a mug of coffee.

Carefully wiping the crumbs off her lips, Janette put down the cookie before responding—ever the mannered girl.

"They're doing fine, and they miss you the same. Maybe we can all arrange a dinner get-together soon." While saying so, she made sure to glance at Shawn suggestively, a smirk plastered across her face.

"That sounds about a good idea." Lila said, while Janette wiggled her brows at the boy, subtly winking at his already flustered face.

Shawn's brain promptly stopped from the intense gaze and he started coughing, crumbs smeared all over his mouth.

Janette was up on her feet in instance, rushing over to pat his back and offer him a glass of water. As he drank it, she wiped at his shirt and hands, murmuring soothing words to calm his breathing—unaware of the pairs of eyes staring lovingly at their interaction.

"Your boy's earned himself a keeper." Lila whispered to her daughter who was busy ogling at her son's progressing love life.

"I know." Destiny agreed, eyes warm and proud, "Even Aaron and I are thinking of something. We already have booked a meeting with Jayden and Gen. Hopefully we might have some good news soon."

"Don't tell me you're thinking about marriage already," Lila frowned. "They're just kids. Let them have their fun before you oldies meddle." She reprimanded.

Rolling her eyes, Destiny pulled Aaron closer to her side. "Don't forget you married me off at 24!" She whisper yelled. "And no, I'm not thinking of that far, just something to solidify this bond."

Lila hummed in agreement, contented about the matter. "Do they know?"

Both the younger parents shook their heads. "We won't pressurize them or anything if they are to part ways in the near future, which is very unlikely to happen. They are made for each other, I can tell it just from the looks in their eyes." Aaron added with a dreamy sigh, leaning up to kiss his wife's cheek, his own eyes sparkling with the love for his lover that has only grown over the years.

"I'm sure of that." Kai chimed in, all of their eyes still fixated on the kids.

Their hearts full and warm, eyes full of hope and glint and they knew it was only a matter of time before Janette and Shawn themselves anounced their marriage or something.

That's how much gone they were for each other.

Even if he didn't have the chance to take that decision for himself all those years ago—despite his life turning out for the best—Aaron wanted his kids to have all the privileges to make their own choices in the world. He'd made sure of that.



Only a few more chapters to go and I already kinda have a new plot. Let's see!

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