My Love, My Family - Chapter 8

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Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 8

-Bon's POV-

Shima, Chibi, Run, and I had been out for about five minutes and so far Chibi was becoming less shy around us.

"Look Bon." Rin said tapping my shoulder and pointing to the store left of us. The store looked like it sold basically any and everything baby related. Well, except actual babies. "Hey Shima, we'll be over here. Call if you need anything. I'll text you when we leave." He nodded and he and Chibi kept walking. When Rin and I walked into the store it was sectioned off by colors. Blue, pink, green, and yellow. This made it even more difficult because we don't even know the gender, let alone even thought about colors. We ended up settling on a dull, pastel yellow. Nothing too loud. Because we didn't have much room, we ordered most of the big furniture like cribs and changing tables to be sent to our house. Rin seemed to really enjoy himself. He bought toys and blankets and bottles and wall decorations.

The next store we went to had food, diapers, and stuff for babies outside of furniture. We didn't spend much time there before moving to our next stop. The clothing store. Not for the baby, but for Rin. His belly was growing bigger by the day, and he had started to have to wear my clothes because his were getting too small to fit anymore. After we finished that I pulled out my phone and texted Shima that we had finished our shopping. Then I dug through my bag (so I have every and anything Rin needs) and pulled out a sandwich wrapped in plastic foil and have it to Rin, "Here, something to eat while we wait on Shima." Rin happily took the sandwich out of my hand and devoured it. Dr. Miyamoto had brought some food from the demon world for him to eat so he would get full and the babies would get nutrients easily.

Finishing his last bite, Rin looked up at me. "Hey Bon. What should we name the babies? You know. If they were a boy or girl."

"I haven't really thought of it. We can schedule an appointment with Dr. Miyamoto later today, do you want to ask the gender? We can start thinking about names after."

"Of course."

"Ok. I'll Text Shima that we'll just head home, and he and Chibi can keep shopping."

Shima just texted back 'Cool' and we started to head home. Halfway there we contacted Dr. Miyamoto so we wouldn't have to wait too long for her to get there.


I held Rin's hand while he laid on the bed with Dr. Miyamoto examining the babies. "They should be due in two months or so. Maybe less. Did you want to know the genders?"

"Yes." We both said together.

Dr. Miyamoto took a closer look at the screen. "It's hard to tell right now. But let me take this to my office and I'll mail it to you tomorrow." Rin and I nodded before Dr. Miyamoto continued what she was saying. "Meanwhile, I thought I should tell you now. I was waiting to see it your body would change some, allowing you to give birth to your children, but so far it hasn't." Rin started to look worried. "Don't look so worried," she said, "you're just going to have to have a C-section. But you'll be under anesthetics so it should be painless."

Even though she said it would be painless, Rin went pale. I ended up spending the whole time Dr. Miyamoto packed up and left trying to convince him that it's not so bad.

"You're not the one they're going to cut open." He retorted half yelling half sobbing. I walked over and hugged him as tight as I could.

"I'll be there with you. Holding your hand. Even when you're too sedated to notice. I'll be there." I said rubbing my thumbs across his eyes, catching the tears that threatened to spill. I kissed his lips, and he wrapped his arms around my neck to deepen it. I dominated in our tongue wrestling. I felt Rin push up against me, forgetting about the whole C-section.

Suddenly the phone rang, disrupting out make out session. Rin sighed and moved off of me to go answer the phone. "Hello." he said. "This is Rin Okumura. Yes. Oh. Do you want to speak to him? Ok." Rin got out paper and a pen and wrote down a number before saying our address. "When? Tomorrow! Ok then." That being said he hung up and turned towards me.

"Who was it?" I asked pulling Rin into my lap and rubbing me hand over his stomach.

"It's your dad. He said he's coming to visit. He wanted it to be a surprise, He's already here, but he needed our address since you're not in the dorms anymore. I asked if he wanted to talk to you, but he said he was in a hurry."

"My dad? Why would he be here?" I said mostly nervous about him meeting Rin.

"I don't know. Maybe he missed you." Run took a long pause before talking again. "So you think he'll like me. I know you told him about us when we first moved in together, but he doesn't know I'm a demon, let alone Satan's son. What if he doesn't like me, or disowns you."

I kissed him again soft and passionate. "He wouldn't do that. And even if he does, I still have you and our babies. Plus I'm pretty sure he'll be pleased to have grandchildren, despite them being one fourth demon."

"Yeah, maybe. By the way. Is your dad going to stay here? The bed it still in the guest room, so he could stay there. Though he probably wouldn't want to stay in the same home as a demon." He said the last part under his breath.

"If he want to be can, or he can stay in a hotel. But how about we take our mind off of this and watch some movies."

"Ok, but can you cook popcorn too?"


Rin and I had ended up spending the rest of the day watching movies and eating popcorn. It was around 10pm when we finished, and decided to just head to bed to get some rest. We had a hectic day ahead of us.


Finished this chapter. Finally cause halfway through I was lost for ideas.


·What do you want the genders to be?

·Do you want a special Shima x Chibi chapter (nsfw or sfw)?

·Should Bon's dad like or dislike Rin?

·Should I alternate between POV's more often?

I already put the giveaway up a while back. There a little notes, so join while you can cause you'll have a good chance of winning. If you can't find it search 'giveaway' on my blog. It ends August 1, 2015. I am not doing a store. (Idk if it's important though)


**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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