My Love, My Family - Chapter 9

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Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 9

-Rin's POV-

"How about Ichirou. For a boy. It means first son. And there's Haru." Bon said taking a bite out of my sandwich. "How do you eat this?"

"Duh, it's made from food Gehenna. And I was thinking about girl names. How about Yuri. After my mom." I said the last part as softly as possible because I wasn't sure of Bon's reply.

"I love it." He grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush uncontrollably. I don't know what's making me blush so much, I mean, this certainly isn't the first embarrassing thing we've done together. Just in time the phone rang and I used it as an excuse to unhook myself from Bon, before he realized how red I was.


"Hi Rin. It's me, Dr. Miyamoto. I have the results of the genders. Do you want to know what they are?"

"Yes!" I said faster than I could think. I quickly put my hand over the phone so Dr. Miyamoto couldn't hear and turned to Bon. "They have the genders. I'll put it on speakers." Even though I said that, Bon was already at my side. "We're ready." I told Dr. Miyamoto.

"You're having... One girl and one boy." At that moment both me and Bon were ecstatic, hugging and kissing each other all over. "Well, I guess I'll lets you guys celebrate." Dr. Miyamoto said before hanging up. We were too busy to notice.


Two hours and a hundred good, and really bad, baby names later I somehow ended up eating strawberries with whip cream, and Bon's head resting firmly on my stomach. "Hey babies. It's your daddy. I can't wait to meet you two." he said along with some more super embarrassing things. "Your mom can be silly at times so if you need help with anything I'm here."

"Hey!" I said putting a dash of whip cream on his nose. "In not the mom. I'm dad number two, or papa. Not mom."

Bon simply laughed and locked the remaining cream off of my finger. "Ok papa." He got a scoop of whip cream and rubbed it across my lips, ready to lick it off before door interrupted us. He sighed and went to open the door. I picked the whip cream off my lips and leaned over to see who it was. "Dad?" I heard Bon say, "What are you doing here so early?"

I couldn't help but agree. What was he doing here so early? I wasn't ready. I'm not ready, but then again I may never be. Quickly I fixed my hair and sat up as fast as possible in my condition. I pulled the blanket over my stomach to hide my bump, and sat there in silence and listened to their conversation.

"I wanted to see you as soon as possible. Torako said she'd stay and unpack and come see you tomorrow. Are you busy? I can come back tomorrow." Bon's dad said.

"No, you can come in. I'll see mom tomorrow. Um... This is Rin." Bon said motioning towards me.

"Oh. The son of Satan. I didn't think you were still dating him." he said frowning, which was barely noticeable but still hit me like a sixteen wheeler. I glared at Bon and gave him a 'why did you have to tell him that I was Satan's son' look. Bon replies with an 'I couldn't lie to him' look. I frowned and hung my head.

"We're still dating dad. And we're going to keep dating. So please dad, can you try to like him."

"It's not that I dislike him. It's just..."

"Dad, you're going to have to get over the fact that he's a demon."

"It's not that he's a demon, but you know what Satan did to us. To the temple. And the priests." Him saying that made me feel even worse. I just wanted to disappear. Bon's dad sighed, sat down beside me, and stretched out his arm for a handshake. "I'm sorry for the way I was acting. It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Tatsuma Suguro." he said I guess trying to get to know me, which for some reason made me even more nervous.

"Rin Okumura." I replied wrapping one arm around my stomach to hold the cover up, and reaching the other one out for the handshake. That somehow led to a full out conversation about random stuff. I became less and less nervous, and Mr. Suguro seemed to start and warm up to me. He even laughed when I told him about how I and Bon met, and how we would argue none stop. Meanwhile Bon was fixing us sandwiches. One side of the plate for him and his dad, and the other side especially for me. When he saw me and his dad laughing he was really surprised.

"Here's some sandwiches." Bon said handing the plate to his dad, "I'm glad you're getting alone."

"I just had to get to know him. He's an ok guy." Mr. Suguro said before taking a bit out of a sandwich. "Ugh. How to you eat this? It's disgusting."

"That's what I said, but those sandwiches are for Rin. Ours are on the other side." Bon said sitting on the other side of me and wrapping his arm over my shoulders. "So dad... I guess you're over the fact that Rin's a demon then."

"I'm glad I got to know him. And it was never the fact that he was a demon that bothered me. It was just the fact that he was Satan's son because... You know. But he's not bad. He even told me how he wanted to be an exorcist."

"That's good, because Rin's- ........." Bon said the last part so low that even I couldn't hear it.

"What was that son?"

"Rin is pregnant. With my children, so yay. You're a grandpa."

"Wait what? What do you mean children? And how is that even possible? He's a... well, man." Mr. Suguro said in disbelief.

"Well he's having twins, a bit and a girl, and it's something to do with the fact that he's a demon that he can get pregnant. I hope it doesn't bother you that they with will technically be one forth demon and Satan's grandchildren."

"Of course not. I've always wanted grandchildren and now I have them. How far along is he?"

"Two months, but it's faster for him so the babies are about six months." Bon said removing the blanket from over my stomach.

"You can feel them if want." I said. "They're kicking, but I don't know if you'll get a chance to feel it. They've been pretty quiet since I ate." He was hesitant at first, but when he did place his hand lightly in my belly the babies kicked, as if knowing that that was their grandpa. I huge smile crossed his face.

For the rest of the night we talked about our future and plans for the baby. Bon's dad even offered to buy the nursery furniture and whatever we didn't have. We declined his offer and settled on a single baby gift. He told us that he was only going to be in town for a week or two before he left to stay at a hotel. Bon wanted him to stay in the guest room, but his wife, Bon's mom, was already waiting on him.

The day was nerve-racking, but I'm glad I finally got to meet Bon's dad.

A/N (Long. & Join the giveaway below)

Hope you liked it. I forgot to ask for names so.... Any good names? Did you like the name I suggested?

I hope Bon's dad wasn't too far off.

I want to thank my followers and those who commented, they really inspired me.

Aneki Okumura from when I saw your message I was too happy, and it persuaded me to really get off my butt and start writing this chapter.

It might take me a while before the next update because I have to do some research on Bon's mom, and school starts is 3 day, so I don't know when my next update will be.

* Totally off topic, but if you haven't watched Avatar: The Last Airbender or Avatar: Legend of Korra then you need to ASAP. I watched bits pieces of episodes, but I finally got the chance to watch the full series from beginning to end and I LOVED IT. I am officially a crazy Avatar fangirl. Please please please please watch it.

* My giveaway ends next month and I seriously only have like 2 entries, and these will be 3 winners so there is a really good chance of winning. Because these are so little people I'm going to let my followers here join. Message me for a link, and you don't have to reblog or follow me on Tumblr if you're following me here. Just message me that you want to join.


**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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