My Love, My Family - Chapter 13

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A/N - Did you guys (and gals) hear about the Blue Exorcist season 2?? I was ecstatic when I heard. I posted something about it, the teaser video, and details on my instagram (terrak__), so you can check it out.

Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 13

-Bon's POV-

Rin was lying back as the doctors prepared him for his surgery. I was seated beside him squeezing his hand encouragingly. There was curtain cutting off view of his lower half, making it easier for Rin to keep his eyes on me.

"Are you ready?" I asked not even sure if I am.

"I might as well be, I mean, it's a little late to change my mind." he joked with a weak smile.

"I guess you're right." I said mimicking the small gesture.
The babies were out, and I could see one of the doctors pass one baby off to a nurse, then another. The doctors then began to close Rin up. Almost an hour after that the surgery was finally finished. I accompanied Rin as he was wheeled to the recovery room.

After being in the recovery room for about 5 minutes Dr. Miyamoto walked. "How are you recovering?" she asked, "because you're a demon, the healing process is quicker than a human's. You should be ready to leave within 3 days." Me and Rin nodded. She added a little note before heading out, "Miss Miyazaki should be bringing your 'little bundles of joy' to you room when you get there".

A while after Rin was wheeled back to his room a small, young nurse came in carrying two babies - one wrapped in a blue blanket, one in a pink one. My breath hitched and tightened as she left them with Rin.

"You're crying." Rin said while he himself was crying as well. I touched my face and felt the tears. I hadn't even noticed. "Here," Rin said handing me the baby boy - Haru.

His hair was dark blue, almost black, and he had Rin's blue eyes. "He's so small," I said half to Rin and half to myself as I rubbed a thumb across his cheeks.

"I know, I hope we don't lose them" I joked.

"Little Haru and Yuri. It feels weird not being pregnant anymore." Rin looked down before frowning, "I'm gonna have a scar."

"A beautiful scar that I'll always love, along with you, because it helped bring our children into this world". I leaned over the hospital bed and kissed Rin softly on the lips.

Rin and I switched babies to I could hold Yuki. She had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes just like Haru.

"She looks like you" Rin stated, "that's what I thought when I first saw her, she looks just like her daddy".

"Haru is basically a splitting image of you". It was then that I finally noticed Yuki's ears were slightly pointy. Curiously I unwrapped her and turned her over to, in fact, see a small tail. It was like Rin's and curled at the end. I showed Rin and he checked Haru, noticing that he too had pointed ears and a tail.

"I'm going to call for Dr. Miyamoto." Rin said before clicking a button and requesting her. She came about two minutes later and by the look on her face she already knew what we had called for.
Dr. Miyamoto sat in a chair on the other sit of the bed. "I'll make this quick because I have to finish up paperwork, but I'm guessing you noticed the little add-ons. Because of the small percentage demon, your children do have tails and the appearance of a half demon, like Rin, but they don't have and demonic powers."

We both understood, and let the doctor leave to finish up her work.
After what seemed like hours Miss Miyazaki returned asking if we were ready for visitors. We said OK since it was only going to be intermediate family to avoid the room being overcrowded. She left and gave everyone the go to come inside.

Yukio and my parents came in first. My mom was wiping her eyes and telling dad how glad she was to be a grandmother. I handed Haru to my father, and Rin let Yukio hold Yuri.

"Rin, I'm going to run by the cafeteria for a minute to get some jello. Did you want anything?" I said standing up from my bed side chair and grabbing one of my crutches.

"Pudding, chocolate."

"That's it, nothing to drink?"

"I assume it's a little soon for sake," Rin said half heartedly, I knew he meant it as a joke because he only ever drinks during holidays, "I guess I'll settle for Orange juice then."

I smiled and nodded everyone off. Halfway out the door I felt a hand on my shoulder. Dad.

"I doubt you'll be able to carry much back in your condition. How about I walk there with you?" He said having already given Haru to mom and obvious not taking 'no' for an answer. We headed out of the room and towards the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was fairly empty save for a couple and an old lady. My dad grabbed the strawberry jello, chocolate pudding, and orange juice plus some more drinks for the others. It was on our way back, though, that I was detoured.

There was a small gift shop in the hospital that sold a wide selection of cards, bears, and other nik-naks. I ended up buying a 'they're twins' card, three bears, a mugs, and a bunch of ballons. Of course my dad had to carry most of that too, but he didn't mind. (He got him a 'happy grandparents' mug himself.

When we got back to the hospital room there were two extra people there; Mephisto and Amaimon Pheles. Mephisto was holding both babies and, surprisingly, cooing over them.
"Come on brother, we're uncles, don't you want to at least see them." Mephisto said. Amaimon, on the other hand, didn't seem the bit convinced. He just sat bunched up on the couch with his knees to his chest and his finger circling his eyes like glasses - as usual.

"I don't care," Amaimon replied, "I'm ready to go anyways. There's nothing fun to do here."

Mephisto sighed. "I guess we better head out, but before that.." he handed the baby to someone else before picking up a bag from beside his younger brother and handing it to me. "I few gifts", he added, "for the babies - Demon gifts of course. They were meant to help their power development, but since I am told that they don't have powers, they'll work well as just gifts from their favorite uncle." (Yukio rolled his eyes at that). We happily accepted the gifts and the two brothers were on their way.

The rest of the day was people coming in and out. Shiemi took off work to come visit; Shima carpooled and brought Chibi with them. Konekumaru, Kamiki, and the rest of the gang came for a short period of time to congratulate Rin and I. Shura stopped by too for a little while and ended up leaving with Yukio.
About two days passed before Rin was discharged. My parent came each day, and stayed for about seven hours. They even offered to take us home, which really helped due to the fact that Shiemi brought Rin to the hospital and Yukio brought me. (And, though it was just a sprain and I've been practicing extra hard to get off my crutches, I'm still hurt).

We got home and put the babies in the crib of the baby room. Apparently Yukio got our friends to pitch in and help get the room ready for us. It looked better than I even expected. That night both me and Rin sleep there on the couch so we could be close to Yuri and Haru.

Sorry for such a long wait, usually I post more in the summer, but a really close death in the family in early may kinda sucked the motivation from me. School is about to start and I'm trying to take a Dual Credit course, but I'll still try to write.

Follow me on instagram: terrak__

Recently I'm into Twenty-one Pilots and Alessia Cara.

**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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