My Love, My Family - Chapter 12

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A/N - First of all, sorry for the hiatus. I can't promise I'll update fast aster this. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 12

-Rin’s POV-

     I woke up with an unbearable headache. It was finally the last month of the pregnancy, and I was feeling worse than I did in the beginning. Mainly because of the fact that I was basically a giant blimp at this point, I was always tired, and I have to go to the bathroom every 30 seconds. It was hell.

     Bon, had been taking extra jobs to ensure that we have enough money for him to stay when the babies come. That's why I wasn't surprised to see him gone by the time I woke up.

     I rolled out of bed, pulled on a shirt and per of shorts, and dragged myself to the kitchen. In the counter there was a plate of food with plastic wrap around it and a note on top. ‘Trying to make things easier for you. Love you. I'll been home as soon as possible!’. The omelette he had prepared me was burnt at the bottom and too salty, but I ate it anyway. Bon wasn't exactly the best chef, but recently he's been trying to be extra helpful, and I appreciated it.

     Once I finished I washed the dish and say on the couch with my arms placed protectively over my baby bump. I've always dreamt of having a family of my own -even though I never expected it to be me having it- and now I'm going to have not only one child, but two. I felt one of them kick, and I smiled. The was, until another kick came, and then another. I started humming to the babies the same song Shiro used to hum to me and Yukio as children. That managed to keep them quiet -maybe they were falling asleep- so I kept humming until I too, began to doze off.

     I got up and was heading towards Bon and my room to take a nap, when a sharp pain shot through my abdomen. Contractions? I held on to the wall to prevent myself from falling. I walked the rest of the way to the bedroom like this.

     When I got there I lied on the bed and tried to clear my mind and take it off of the pain I'm experiencing; which at this point was so unbearable. The pain made me hotter by the minute, so I didn't even bother getting under covers. I clutched my stomach and wondered how long Bon would be, hoping he would walk in that second, wrap his arm around me, and suddenly I'll be fine.
     After maybe five minutes- and shit load of deep breaths -the pain subsided enough for me to grab my phone and call Bon.

     First call: no answer

     Second call: no answer

     Third call: no answer

     I left messages, but after a while I began to worry; apparently just in time for the pain to come back. Taking my thoughts off of the worst case scenario, and the pain, I imagined that he just left his phone, or its battery ran out. I tried calling Yukio next, because I knew he was on the same job. He answered on the first call, thank god.

     Yukio: Rin!. I was just about to call you.

     Rin: Why? Wait, first let me talk to Bon. It's-

     Yukio: That's what I was going to call you about. There was a difficulty with the exorcism, Bon was injured. It's nothing serious, but he's at the hospital. I wanted you to know so you could see him if you want. The doctor says……..

     I zoned out. Bon was in the hospital and the babies were coming. How would I get to the hospital. I couldn't drive in this condition.

     Rin: I think the babies are coming!

     Whatever Yukio was saying or explaining earlier was suddenly forgotten.

     Yukio: the babies what?!

     Rin: They're coming. … I think. I've been having contractions, or really bad pain, that comes and goes. I think it's time.
   Yukio: I'll go get you and bring you to the hospital. I hope I make it in time.

     Rin: I'll call Shiemi. It faster.

     Yukio: Are you sure?

     Rin: Yeah

     And with that I hung up and called Shiemi. After explaining everything to her, she rushed over to pick me up; which was somewhat hard because I went through another set of contractions, so she had to help me in the car as well as get the baby bag. The ride to the hospital was fast, because my mind was too worried about Bon to keep track of the time.

     When I got there I was met with Dr. Miyamoto -Yukio must have called her. Dr. Miyamoto quickly guided me to my hospital room; we both agreed that a private room was best to avoid skeptical looks about my ‘rare condition’. She left a second later, but not before a quick checkup, to get an understanding doctor or nurse to help her. Almost immediately after she left the door opened again.

     Bon was standing at the door on a pair of crutches, and with a heartwarming look on his face. He limped over and sat in the chair next to my bed before taking my hand into his and kissing it tenderly.

     “I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.” he said.

     I rolled my eyes, “you've always been here for me. You were working to help provide for your family and I love that about you”. Bon kissed me softly on the lips and there was a pause of silence; but not the bad kind.

     “I'm nervous” I say to Bon, my eyes avoiding his.

     “Me too” he replies just a quietly before adding, “but I'm excited too. I'm gonna be a father. I also called my parents, and they're on their way. I tried to tell them to wait cause I wasn't sure how comfortable you were with a lot of people coming, but you know them. They were determined to take the next train here.”

     “I'm fine with it. As long as you're here.” I mildly squeezed his hand. “I was so worried when you didn't pick up the phone.”

     Bon smiled shyly and rubbed the back of him neck with his free hand. “It's really not as bad as it looks.”

     I was about to say something when Dr. Miyamoto and a young male nurse (Hayashi according to his name tag) walked in the room holding a clipboard. “It seems both babies are healthy, and are growing a tad bit faster than we expected” Dr. Miyamoto explained, “they should be ready within the next 48 hours, so once that comes we'll ready the anesthetics and begin. Are you excited?”

     “More or less” I replied.

    Did you like it? My phone broke twice one in November but permanently in February to where I can't use it. (Still waiting for a new one) and I'm a huge worry wort about school work, but I'm not going to make excuses. I was being way lazy and didn't write.

    I've been reading a lot and discovered that I'm 100% author whipped by Rainbow Rowell (I have all her books) and I so recommend Carry On. Spoiler, it is boy x boy and Hella good.

     I'm Supernatural trash and The Walking Dead trash. Both recommended. You can find it on Nexflix. (Do you love these shows? I would love to discuss it with you and provide any info. Message me.) << feel free to message me for random stuff too.

    What show are you obsessed with?

**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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