My Love, My Family - Chapter 4

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Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 4

-Rin's POV-

"Where are we? I asked looking around what seems to be a parking lot. Still a little lost in thought and groggy I think I heard Bon say the doctors. Hoping he didn't, I woke up fully and looked outside to see a doctor's clinic that I was not familiar with.

Bon got out of the car and walked over to my side, opening the door and helping me out. "Don't worry," he said, I guess sensing my confusion, and well, worry, about where the hell we were. "We're at Shiemi's office to keep it more private. I really think you should get checked by a doctor though, to see how far along you are and the risks." I nodded. I guess he was right, and I guess the fact that Shiemi became a doctor after she graduated really came in handy.

After walking into the clinic Bon went to the receptionist's desk and confirmed our appointment. Meanwhile, I went to the vending machine and got me a bag of Lays chips. I didn't let Bon know, but I was worried out of my mind ever since Yukio told me that I was pregnant. When we walked into Shiemi's office I had to sit on a bed like thing while she poured a cold gel on my still flat stomach. Well, still flat except for the little bump, barely recognizable under even a fitting shirt. After doing that she grabbed a wand - well not really a wand, but you know - and started rubbing it on my stomach. After a while she stopped and walked over to her screen. It was pointed away from me so I really couldn't see what it was.

"How far along do you think you are Rin?" She asked.

"I don't know. Three or four weeks."

"Well, I don't usually perform on demons, so you should probably a second opinion from a special doctor, but the fetus is about the size of one 12 weeks old. The size of a passion fruit."

"Twelve weeks!" Bon said surprised out of his mind. "Isn't it a bit early for the baby to be that big?"

"Of course Bon, but this is a rare case." Shiemi ensured. He nodded. "That being said I suggest you two go see a demon doctor or someone who specializes in demon pregnancies. I don't know anyone right now, but I'll call when I get more information."

Shiemi handed me a paper towel to wipe the gel off of my stomach. When I finished I tossed it in the trash and climbed off the bed-chair-thing. Much to Bon's dismay due to the fact that I declined his many attempts to help me down. "Now that the work part is over," Shiemi added before we left out the door. "Why didn't you two tell me you were expecting? You never tell me anything. Not even when you guys started dating." She said fake pouting.

"We really just found out recently and we were waiting until the right moment to tell anyone." Bon said

She sighed. "So I'll have to keep it a secret from the others right?"

"Just for now."

"Oh well then. If you need anything before you find you another doctor then feel free to call my office or cell phone." She said smiling before giving us both a giant bear hug. "Eat healthy. Rest and Relax. Stress is very dangerous for babies. And for God's sake, don't run around and do anything reckless. Of course." She walked us to the door adding a little note right as the door closed, separating us. "Don't forget about Yukio's get together in three days."

I had totally forgot. And judging by the look on Bon's face so had he, "Well, at least she reminded us. Or else you would've be crying for days because you forgot. Especially with these pregnancy hormones." He said on the car ride home laughing. I'm glad he did, because I was on the verge of crying and feeling like a horrible big brother. Stupid pregnancy. Stupid hormones. But Bon made me happy. Just hearing his voice. I just know the baby will love it too.

We got to the house and sat on the couch, me in Bon's lap. I was hesitant to ask at first, but Bon said it was fine. I'm glad he did, because I loved the feeling of him being close to me. I leaned back on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing his hands on my belly. After a while Bon stopped his rubbing. "Hey Rin. Do you mind if I feel it directly?" I nodded and he slowly crept his hands up my shirt. His hands weren't cold, but I still flinched at his touch. The more he touched me, the more I got used to it. And the more I got used to it, the more I started to enjoy it. Maybe a little more then I needed to. I started to feel shocks of electricity run throughout my body - especially my more private areas. I quickly pushed his hands away and tugged down on my shirt.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, I need to go to the bathroom." I said jumping out of my lap and heading towards the bathroom to hopefully relief myself. "Rin!" Bon said, stopping me in my tracks before I could even get halfway there. I was about to turn around and see what he wanted when I felt his arms back around my waist. It was just like it was earlier, but this time we were standing and I was harder than ever from the sensation of have Bon's broad chest pressed against my back. I tried to shrug him off, desperate to get away and to the bathroom as soon as possible. It was useless though, and the more I struggled the tighter Bon held on me.

"Rin." Bon said again but this time softer than before. "You know I know you, and I know when somethings up."

"There's nothing up. Really."

"Are you sure?" Bon asked. I winced as his touch made me hotter and hotter. I don't know why he affected me this way. There was no other time where him simply wrapping his arms around my waist would make me go this crazy. Suddenly Bon stopped and started dragging his hand lower and lower until it rested on the crotch of my pants, right above my growing member.

I blushed and swatted his hand away. Covering my lower half I felt my eyes water and tears spill at the embarrassment. Next thing I knew, Bon had turned me around and cupped my face with both my hands. "It's ok Rin." He said peppering my face with kisses; first my forehead, then my cheeks, then my lips softly. It was meant to cheer me up but only made me cry more.

"Come here." Bon said grabbing my hand and dragging me back to the couch and sat me down. He, on the other hand, didn't sit down beside me but knelt in front of me. He placed his hand on my knees and slowly started spreading them.

"What are you doing?" I yelled, flustered when he started unzipping my pants. "I said its ok." Bon replied, "It's natural and I don't want you to forget. I'm your boyfriend and I love you."


Hi again! I know it's been a while since I updated. I finished this at 1 am and I couldn't wait to wake up and post it.

Next chapter will be R rated; meaning lemon, smut, yaoi, that good stuff. Yay!!

The story I was going to write with my friend we decided I'll write alone. Still she helped A LOT when writing the beginning and I want to thank her. She's also the one that made me think that I should really get started on writing this again. So ya'll can thank her.


The new story is not boyxboy, but trying to incorporate some lgbt characters. It won't be a fanfiction. Character ideas will really help. If you have an original character you want me to put in my story please feel free to message me. The character does not have to be lgbt.

· Character name

· Gender

· Race

· Description
(*the story is not supernatural)

You will OF COURSE get full credit for your character if decide to propose one.


**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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My Love, My Family - A Blue Exorcist Fanfiction (Boyxboy) [MPreg]Where stories live. Discover now