My Love, My Family - Chapter 7

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Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 7

- Rin POV -

~One Month Later~

"Hurry up Bon." I said grabbing my jacket and heading towards the door. Today we were supposed to be going to Yukio's house for a get together, and we were already running late. Even after Yukio and Shura rescheduled the event a month because Shura had a big assignment, we still can't get there on time. "I'm on my way," Bon yelled from the backroom, "I just need to find the keys."

I sighed. I couldn't blame him though. I was the one that set the alarm to the wrong hour. When Bon finally got ready we hopped in the car and he drove us to my younger brother's house. Of course everyone else was already there. When we walked in the door we realized that Dr. Miyamoto was also there.

"Oh. I'm glad you made it. Now we can begin." Yukio said before getting everyone's attention. He and Shura stand at the head of the living room. "Shura and if have an announcement to make. We're getting married." Everyone in the room started to cheer. "The dates and such aren't planned out yet, but expect to get an invitation in the mail."

With that everyone went back to talking and joking. Most people were congratulating Shura and Yukio though. I decided to wait until it wasn't as many people to go talk to them. My brother, yeah, but I never pictured Shura as one to settle down.

About 30 minutes later the crowd hadn't loosened up a bit. Bon was sitting beside me on the couch and I was leaning on his shoulders when someone started stomping towards us. Izumi. "Why didn't you tell me?" she said in my direction.

"Tell you what?" I replied mostly out of reflex.

"That you're pregnant, dummy."

"Well, um..."

"The timing wasn't right, and Shima and Komekomaru just found out." Bon said trying to help me out. Though she was still a little pisses, Izumo seemed content with his answer and went to talk to Shiemi. Next thing I knew, people were swarming around me asking about me and the pregnancy. Stupid Pokka-brow couldn't keep her mouth shut. In our attempt to flee from the chaos I bumped into Shima in the kitchen. The force made me lose my balance and almost fall; luckily Bon was there to help me before I did.

"Oh, hi guys." Shima said practically beaming. "And sorry Rin."

"Don't sweat it, I'm fine." I assured him.

"Oh, yeah. Bon. Rin. I would like you to meet Aki, my boyfriend. Everyone calls him Chibi though." He said holding his hand. Chibi was 154cm, which was pretty small standing next to 176cm tall Shima. He had black hair reaching his back, and hazel eyes. If Shima hadn't said boyfriend, I would have mistaken Chibi for a girl.

"Nice to meet you." Bon said holding out his hand. Chibi just shrunk behind Shima.

"He's a little shy." Shima laughed nudging Chibi to accept Bon's hand shake. He did. "Chibi is an incubus. He's half German, half French. Crazy right. We meet at a coffee shop about a month ago. It was his first time in Japan, and I showed him around." Shima talked about Chibi a bit more - or should I say flirted - before I left to congratulate the soon to be husband and wife. Bon decided to stay and catch up more.

When I finally got to them I gave Yukio a giant bear hug. "My little brother is getting married before me. What will people say?" I joke. "I think you being pregnant will sort of even it out" he said making me laugh. At our last doctor visit with Dr. Miyamoto, she said the babies were about the size of one 20 week old. At first I hated it because my stomach was way too big to hide, but since I was 17 weeks the babies had started moving I didn't mind so much.

Suddenly a dull pain hit me. I clutched my stomach, and Yukio ran to my side. "Nii-san, are you ok?"

"Yeah. But I think the babies just kicked, and hard. It's moved, but never kicked before."

"Do you want me to get Suguro?" He asked guiding me to the guest room to lay down. I nodded and he left to find Bon. About five minutes later Bon came running in the room. "Are you ok? Are the babies ok? When happened?"

"I'm fine Bon. The babies kicked." Bon's face lit up. He slowly placed his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked again. A smile stretched across his face, and he lowered his head to rest on my belly. "I love you so much." He said kissing my bump. The babies kicked again. "I guess they know your voice by now." I said pulling his head up and kissing him hard. We stayed that way for a while before leaving to join everyone else. Shiemi was talking to Dr. Miyamoto. Yukio and Shura were still getting congratulated. Shima and his new boyfriend Chibi were flirting by the door. We settled on getting some food from the kitchen. We both got a turkey sandwich, but I finished mine before Bon even got halfway through. "Want the rest?" Bon said motioning the sandwich in my direction. "I'm fine." I said totally lying. That first sandwich did not fill me up at all and Bon was eating his at snail speed.

"Take it." Bon said pushing the sandwich directly in front of my mouth. "You've been staring at it for a while, and I'm not that hungry anyways." I thought for a second before taking him up on his offer. I opened my mouth and took a big bite out of the side of the sandwich; Bon basically feeding me. It was delicious, way better than mine. Maybe its cause Bon was feeding me. "Did that hold you off?" Bon asked once I had finished. I nodded. "Then when we head home I'll stop by somewhere to eat." I smiled and nodded again. On our way out, after saying goodbye to Yukio and Shura, we were stopped by Shima.

"Hey guys. Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

"No. Not really." Bon said.

"Well I was wondering if you two would want to go shopping with me and Chibi. We're getting stuff to go in his apartment. I want you to get to know him, since you are my best friend."

"Ok, and I guess we could pick up some things for the babies and nursery while we're there. We can turn the first room into the nursery." Bon said saying the last part lower and to only me. I nodded. "What time?" Bon asked.

"Around two."


With that we left and headed home. Not before stopping somewhere to eat though.


Not much here. Did you like it? Character Chibi by JasmineFreeman9. Closer to the due date and the babies are kicking, yay. Shima has an incubus boyfriend. Cute but shy. P.S. I officially love Manchester Orchestra.

I'm doing a giveaway on my Tumblr account for my follower, so look out. You can find it under the tag TerraK Giveaway.

I am also planning on opening a storenvy store soon. I will sell charms and buttons at the moment. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Haikyuu!!, Blue Exorcist, etc. (ideas, I take button requests) is it a good idea? Prices aren't official yet, (maybe $2 to $3) I'm still not sure. Is this a good idea?


**Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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