My Love, My Family - Chapter 2

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Disclaimer - I do not own Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist or the characters. If I did it would have been a yaoi anime. All rights go to Kazue Katō & whoever else.

Chapter 2

-Rin’s POV-

         I ran to the bathroom, throwing up for the third time today. Bon ran in behind me and rubbed circles on my back. I don’t know what it is, but for the past weeks I haven’t been feeling well. I told Bon that it was probably just food poisoning but he insisted I go to the doctor. I refused, knowing it would be a waste of time and money.

          “You really should go to the doctor,” Bon said frowning at me.

          “No way,” I huffed folding my arms.

          “At least a checkup.”


“Rin, I’m serious!” Bon said, “I’m worried about you and I really think you should have someone take a look and see what’s wrong.”

My face softened. “You know I hate doctors.”

“Well, how about just having Yukio come take a look at you,” he suggested. I sighed in defeat and nodded my head. Bon was relieved as he ran to his phone to call Yukio over.

      After getting of the phone with Yukio, Bon walked up behind me, who was literally in the middle of getting dressed for Yukio’s arrival and wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

       “What did Yukio say?” I asked almost melting into his arms.

     “He said he’ll only be an hour, maybe less, so you should get ready.”

       With that I broke away from Bon and went to get ready. I put on some clothes and decided I might as well make some sandwiches for everyone. I was hungry myself anyways. Now all I have to do is wait on Yukio.


       I was dozing off when I felt Bon shaking me to wake me up. He was sitting on the couch talking to Yukio, I guess telling him the symptoms. I sighed thinking this probably wasn’t such a good idea. Yukio always manages to make a big deal out of stuff when I’m sick. Yukio looked at me puzzled and worried.

    “I really don’t know what’s wrong with you,” he said. “You’ve never experienced those symptoms before. Maybe you should go to a doctor after all.”

      “No way. I already told Bon. No doctors.”

      Yukio grabbed his phone, “Well, I’m calling Mephisto. He knows more about this stuff then I do.”

       The minute I got ready to get up and open my mouth in protest I shot up and ran towards to bathroom. Yukio and Bon followed me. After throwing up what felt like my whole meal plus some, I just sat there.

     Yukio handed me a cup of water before speaking. “Mephisto said he’ll be here in a little. Meanwhile you should get some rest.”

      I stood up and walked away, “I don’t need to rest, and I don’t need Mephisto. It’s just a stomach virus or food poisoning, nothing to get all worked up over”. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my box of Pocky off of the counter.

       “Didn’t you just eat Rin?” Bon asked.

       “Well damn, sorry for being a little hungry.”

      He sighed hugging me and giving me a peck on the forehead. “You know I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just worried.”

        I nodded and hugged him back. Of course he didn’t mean it like that. Why did I even get mad at him? I hugged him tighter before we were interrupted by Yukio fake coughing. Unhooking my arms from around Bon’s waist, I laid on the couch and began eating.

         “Mephisto is here,” Yukio announced taking the pocky box out of my hand. I reached up to grab it, but my attempts were futile. I was too tired to get up and take them back from him, so I just slumped back in defeat. I really, really didn’t feel like doing anything but eating today. I hope this will all just be over with.

       Mephisto walked up to me with a weird grin on his face. “It’s odd for you, Rin, to be this sick,” he said, still grinning. I ignored, well tried to ignore him, and relax some like Bon and Yukio had told me, but it was pretty hard while Mephisto was probing and pocking at me.

        He had insisted on getting hair, blood, saliva, and even urine samples. He seemed more interested in the rare occasion that a demon like me is experiencing these symptoms, then my actual well-being. Directly after getting the samples and stuff he left, excited to run the tests. I’m just glad it’s over with and he’s testing the samples instead of me.

After that I was even more tired than before, but Bon, being the gentleman he is, politely carried me to the bed. Before leaving, Yukio made sure to lecture me about resting and not moving around too much.

When we were finally alone Bon and I laid in the bed together and fell asleep cuddled in each other’s arms for about 4 or 5 hours. The rest if the day was spent with Bon doing any and everything I needed, insuring I didn’t move a muscle.


  I know, about 2 weeks and only this. But with school starting back up and we have two soccer games a week and after school practice Mon. – Thurs. so I didn’t have a lot of time. I’m studying a lot to keep my all A’s from dropping. I can’t write during school because I will literally have zero ideas, but come weekends I write more.

I think I got stuck a lot on this chapter, but I hope you guys like it. ^u^

It may be a while until the next update.

       **Thank you, my little ducklings, for reading**

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