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Tristella pov
We made it down to my dining room for lunch late because of Zaden
"Babe you are not going to meet my parents with that" I said pointing down at excited little Zaden. He frowned looking down " but babe he won't go away" he said whining "whatever I'll be back" I said turning walking to my closet I went and picked out a push up bra and a thong then put on my kind of mint sundress.
(A/n dress above)
I put on badge sandals and walked out to see Zaden laid out completely flat on my bed only his bulge retraining through his black pants, he let out a deep sigh. And but his hands behind his head I giggled and his head snapped towards me "no" he said his eyes trailing up and down my body mostly my chest. "What" I asked " you don't like it?" I asked doing a turn " I do like it" he said, "too much" he muttered so lowly I barely heard him.
"C'mon we're already 5 minutes late" I told him helping him up then turned walking towards the door "damn" he whispered.
We were about to go down the stairs when I heard him whining like a baby about to cry I turned towards him and gave him a look "babeeeee your ass is jiggling" he said whining more "Zaden" I said sternly. He pushed me up against the wall " babe your hard again"
I informed him trying to push him away " then he came closer so there was no pace between us and I was squished in the middle of him and the wall "why don't you help me with it" he asked suggestively in my ear.
I gasped loudly and pushed him away "Zaden " I gasped again and gave him one hard slap that almost cracked his neck. He held his cheek and looked up "I love it when you're rough baby " he said chuckling darkly and kissed me roughly then he grabs my thigh roughly and hitches it up bringing him impossibly closer.
He began kissing down my throat roughly.
"Zaden ". No answer , I pushed him away "I know you heard me" I say walking towards him and he moans.
"What is it now?" I ask him in front of him the smack him in the back of the walking away. He runs in front of me and down the stairs I sigh what am I gonna do with this boy? When I get to the to of the stairs I see him waiting for me at the bottom I go down the stairs and he moans.
"Wait let me guess my boobs are bouncing ?" I ask him and he nods his head eagerly then I think of a plan "grand parents having sex" I tell him and he instantly frowns, I look down and BINGO!!!!! he's soft again I smirk and walk past him.
Flashback finish
So here we are sitting at the table and everyone is in there own little conversations after being introduced while  Zaden is apologizing over and over again "but baby I told you I was sorry, I just can't control it and my wolf won't tell me how to " he said putting his head down " well you need to" I growled at him. And he kept his head down
"I try to, I really do baby but you're just so f*cking sessy" he says in his deep Australian accent that made me wet oh gosh his head snapped up and he bit his lip sniffing the air and closing his eyes.
I kept eating and boy let me tell you "ma this food is amazing " I tell my mother she laughs "well of course it is"
Zaden is eating his food with his head down and I honestly feel really bad "baby?" I call him and he doesn't respond then I sigh
"babe I'm really sorry" I confess " I know and understand that it's not your fault " I continue. He looks up at me sitting next to him and I almost jumped his bones he looked like a lost puppy with his wide eyes licked his lips and nodded.
Then I gave him a peck and he looked shocked "that's it?" he asked then we both busted out laughing and everyone else is looking at us.
" so white boy " my cousin starts "Samuel!" I gasp but he continues any way "how old are you" he ask. "20" said Zaden placing his hand on my knee.
"Do you like this food?" Dylan ask of course he did that's all Dylan cares about. "Yes this food is delicious, compliments to the chef" he says sending my mom a wink.
My dad growls and Zaden is bombarded with questions and he throws back answers I grow worried and then everyone is laughing again mom tells some stories and while that I feel Zaden put his hand on my thigh over my dress and I stiffen he laughs at one of my brothers jokes and moves his hand up
"Zaden" I growl at him "stop" I say and he moves his hand further up "stop, Zaden stop it right now, we talked about this and my parents are here you dumb butt hole"
I growled at him so only he would hear then he began rubbing my kitty and I clenched the table "Zaden I will f*ck you up, stop it" I tell him then my mom asked if we wanted desert and we all answered yes her dad and my cousin went to get it while my brother went to the bathroom. I snapped my head towards Zaden and shoved him
"what the hell was that?!" I whisper yelled at him he turned to me and tried to kiss me "no stop it Zaden" I shoved him again " what has gotten into you?" I asked "I don't know baby" he said shaking his head "but I know one thing" he continued " what is it baby"
I asked so concerned.
"That I need to get into you" he said and I gasped.
Just then everyone walked in for desert was hot brownies with ice cream and Zaden kept trying to touch me in my no no square "thank you for lunch Mrs...." Zaden trailed off " oh no baby you can call me mom or ma or mama A or miss A" she said and kisses his cheek.
He responded with an okay and we left to my room. Zaden kept trying to make small talk and I ignored him. I went in my closet and took my dress off and put on volleyball shorts took off my bra and put on a over sized sweatshirt and mix match socks and my hair in a ponytail then walked to my bed and and just laid there I heard Zaden clear his throat and I didn't care I was angry then I laid on my stomach and was going through my phone Zaden wolf whistled
"damn nice view" he said and spanked me. I turn and looked at him then went back to my phone then he spanked me again and pulled my ponytail I was done
"the fuck man Zaden what's ur damn problem don't be pulling on my hair
like I'm some f*cking horse, you know what, go take you and your hard di€k self to the bathroom there's some lotion and a dang toilet " I said angrily and Zaden was about to talk "and you better not even think of apologizing until you really mean it or actually know what the hell is going on"
I cut him off yelling. I'm sorry but he was getting on my last nerves, I would have less mad if it was his wolf but shiii it's just straight up Zaden and he's acting worse than a wolf bitch on heat and I can't take it I stood up and went to the bathroom.
"Look, I don't know what's going on with you but you need to cool it and keep you damn hands off of me at first it was good and funny but now no so chill" I told him.
"Baby I'm sorry, it's just that your so beautiful and have a banging body and because my body is going crazy and my wolf won't tell me anything and is acting like a total bitch. " he replies looking at me up and worriedly.
"I'm over it honestly, but it's just that there's no end to it and we barely talk cause it's just about sex with you babe" I say putting my head down.
He walks towards me and put his hand around my waist and picks me up so I rap my legs around him so that I can look him in the eye.
"I'm really sorry I am babe but how about we go talk and cuddle?" He ask
" and Netflix?" I ask, he nods"Netflix and chill".
We go to my room and he lays me on the and goes to turn the tv on connect the Netflix etc. he was done and was about to sit down but I stopped him "babe" I said he looks at me curiously "where are the snacks " I ask him
" sorry" he says " it's okay but you owe me it next time " I respond he nods his head eagerly "'anything babe " the night went by smoothly laughing cuddling and watching movies and fell asleep.
Next morning
I woke up to Zaden behind me as the big spoon, I  felt something hard on my butt  and knew immediately what it was I sighed and turned to wake him up I was now facing him and he was mumbling something and I couldn't hear so I went to take a shower and let him sleep.
As I came out the shower with my towel Zaden was still sleeping that's odd he's usually up first I went closer and I hear him moaning. What the why is this boy moaning in his sleep?
I sat on his lap straddling him and he still doesn't wake up "oooh baby girl I hope ur ready" I heard Zaden moan then he started thrusting and throwing his hips up and was a moaning mess "you like that don't you Tris when daddy is rough" he ask still thrusting faster.
But he's asleep I lay down on him and open his mind link and of course Zaden dreaming of us fucking in his garage then he picks me up and takes me too his Ferrari and starts going harder.
I shake my head and straddle him again right on top of his hard on through his boxers and he's still going at it so then it touches my naked kitty and I let out a moan then I think of something.
"Ughhhh Zaden fuck me, ughhh right there baby" I moan.
His eyes snap open then looks directly at me in hunger. " what are you doing" he ask in his morning voice I looked at him innocently "I wanted to wake you up" I said then he look at me "with only a towel?" He ask  "you were having a nasty dream baeeee " I whine
" so you ride on my di€k in only a towel and me in only boxers" he ask and I gasp at his bluntness he chuckles and pushes me off him too the side of the bed and opens my legs and blows on my kitty then gives me a hard smack down there again and I gasp and push my hips up. "
Be dressed when I'm done or she's gonna be red" he whispered in my ear patting my kitty again, he leaves and go to the bathroom.
I sit there in shock for like 15 minutes then I remembered what he said and ran to my closet then I hear the bathroom door open oh shit then I run and get one of his shirts and put it on although he is way taller my breast and butt make it shorter.
Than I look for another one because this one reaches like a few inches under my butt and fits like a club dress while I'm looking I see my toys under his clothes and pick them up just then Zaden walks into the closet and freezes
" why are those things in your hand" he asked and growled.
"Because they get me wet" I said  to myself in my head and he growled
"watch those damn thoughts mate cause I would love to show you what wet is" he smirks taking two steps forward. Then he frowns "why are you wearing that shirt" he ask. " I found it in your clothes why" I ask
"Because that shirt stopped fitting since I was 18 but I probably put it in there by accident " he shrugged
"Oh that's why it's so small" I said "yeah but keep it on" he said wrapping his hands around my waist "until I take it off" he continued hitting my booty hard and running away so I wouldn't smack him.
I gasped and walked into my bedroom then I sat on my bed on the edge and started the to scroll down Instagram Zaden was sitting on the chair on the other side of the room. I laid back so I was laying on my back all sprawled out I heard Zaden growl deeply
"why aren't you wearing any underwear mate?" He asked and I didn't answer he waited and I still didn't answer "answer me mate " he said deeply and I don't care so I didn't answer he growled and honestly it got me wet he growled "I can smell you from here mate , and I see ur brown pu$$y lips that I will French kiss and lick and I see ur hard nipples that I will bite and suck" he said and I got wetter. "Now come and sit on daddy's lap" he commanded and I ignored he growled
"don't test me mate I'm not the one and this not the time I'm horny,hot,and hard so bring your sexy ass here" he said and I didn't move a muscle
"NOW!!" He yelled and I jumped and scurried over to him and sat on his lap he chuckled " the vixen listens to commands and people would you look at that " he says. He wraps one of his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest and my wolf comes out,
Wait no! What are you doing? I ask her and she ignores,
Give me control back I yell at her and she ignores again what the hell, Answer me I yell at her again now you see how mate felt she laughed evilly oh boy.
" I didn't know you listened to commands kitten" Zaden laughed
"Only yours alpha" my wolf says seductively then makes a purring sound, he growls then his head snaps down and once he sees my eyes well our eyes well my wolfs eyes he pushes me off "stop it Tina and give Tristella control back" he commands my wolf. Then my wolf takes the fitted shirt off of our body which was completely bare under the shirt. Oh boy.

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