Umm this is America

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Tristella's p.o.v.

I walk down smiling "isn't she beautiful" my mother says my brother takes my hand to help me down the stairs my dad says a few loving words and then he says " let's start the party shall we "? then the crowd cheers then the dj starts the music and some people go outside through the slide door. The rest of the night was fun I met new alphas and Lunas right now everyone was inside about to leave and I was walking with one of the alpha sons that was really nice and sweet also tasting the rainbow if you know what I mean. His arm was around my waist while I'm eating my cake we were walking around the woods we stop and he turns me around and starts dancing with me putting both of his hands on my waist saying it was his favourite song he could hear it from the house we were swaying side to side and I was still eating my cake. We hear a growl and I smell the best smell in the world it's the scent of fresh roses and homemade chocolate chip cookies and let me tell you those are my favourite smells I look at Zac but he didn't hear the growl I look around for where it came from "take your god damn hands off of her" I hear in a Australian accent I turn and see the most beautiful man standing there he was about 6 something which was still tall for me no matter what his hair was pitch black and styled up and to the side he had beautiful blue eyes. Ugh I love boys with black hair and blue eyes my wolf then yelled something "mate!!! mate!!!" She yells then I take a bite out of my cake and look anywhere else but him then Zac puts his hands up "okay man chill" then he kisses both my cheeks "bye luna" he says to me and I curse under my breath then he smirks and starts to walk away. "Wait!" he turns around and I run to him "let's give him a show, yeah?" I whisper and he nods his head then hugs me and crashes his lips on mine I kiss back and we have a make out session his hands travel my body down to my butt and he squeezes it. We hear a growl so loud it makes my chest vibrate I smirk "moan" Zac whispers to me and that's exactly what I do I moan and pull away "don't tell my brother who I'm with" I tell Zac he nods in response and walks away I hear footsteps and he holds on to my shoulder and spins me around roughly I turn and almost fall he catches me by putting his hand on my waist and digs his nose into my neck he pulls away and looks in my eyes his eyes all over my face I look in his eyes and see that they are the most electrifying blue? ever. "What the hell was that"?! he roars I know his wolf is in charge he pushes me against a tree and starts to kiss me roughly his hands roaming all over my body. "You will be punished kitten" he says pulling away the he walks in the other direction I lean against the tree panting this gonna be a long night my cake fell awww :( I sigh and run a hand through my hair. Like ummm this is America we don't do that here.

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