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Tristella pov

Okay so we're pulling up to Zaden's house and wow. It's so beautiful I'm amazed , the whole block belongs to us and the beta whom are across the street have that side of the block a and the next road is the pack house.
" Baby wow , you were living here by yourself?" I ask Zaden
" of course not baby I had a couple hoes with me " he answers smirking.
"Fuck you!" I gasp. " oh I will bae" he says I roll my eyes and cross my arms he puts the car in park and puts a hand on my thigh " I was just joking beautiful " he says and again I roll my eyes and begin to get out the car he grabs my wrist " sorry baby I love you " he says and I just get out the car only to be pushed into it.
Zaden is pinning me to his suv his pelvic area putting pressure on mine,
" now I said I was joking and that I was sorry so take a fucking joke and stop over reacting-". " I'm not over reacting!" I cut him off pouting.
He growls and pushes his hips closer to mine " stop acting like a brat I told you this already Tristella! And don't ever cut me off again, do you understand ?!"
I whimper a little at his tone "but-" I start
He bends his neck down to my ear " I said do you understand?" He says huskily
" yes Zaden but-" I start again " do. You. Understand " he asks again
" I said yes already Zaden !! But -"
" but nothin, now shut your fine ass up !" He raises his voice.
"Zadennnnnnn" I whine "let me-" I get cut off again.
" I said it already!" He says in a warning tone
" ugh fine whatever " I roll my eyes.
He smacks my butt " don't whatever me, now give me some sugar sexy" he commands
I kiss him and he pulls me in taking my tongue in his mouth I pull away biting his lip looking him in the eyes. He growls loudly and picks me up so I wrap my legs around his waist while he grips my ass " you're asking for it now" and pushes me more onto the car thrusting his clothed core in mine
" mark me daddy " I moaned silently. He began to let his canines come out and began licking my neck.
" hey hey hey! " I hear Trey say I squeal and make an effort at pushing Zaden back,
" we just got here and you guys are about to fuck in the driveway !" Drey yells and Zaden groans slowly dropping me down to my feet.
" fuck off and get a box assholes " Zaden says getting a box and taking it in the house.
They both chuckle and get a box following him inside. I'm just gonna wait in the car a little I sit in the car listening to music when someone appears in the window I scream loudly scared, only to realize it's Kailey.
" fuck, you scared me Kailey " I told her. She laughs I hear Zaden coming he comes running fast as hell "baby are you okay ?" he ask hurriedly.
I laugh at him " why are you laughing I was seriously concerned " he questions me
"Because it's funny babe" I respond
"Yeah it's funny that a concerned boyfriend ran all the way from the third floor just to see what was wrong with his girlfriend, who was just being overly dramatic " he says walking away. "Baeeee" I whine grabbing his wrist and turning him " I'm sorry okay?" I say hugging him. " yeah".
I grab his dick and he jumps " sorry daddy, forgive me ?"
"Shit!" He says backing away from me quickly " don't do that shit baby,you starting a whole fire princess and won't be able to take it out "
" I can take it out daddy" I say touching his chest.
" Tristella " he says sternly, harshly grabbing my ass.
"daddy I can take out anything for you " I whisper in his ear.
"Tristella what I'm gonna do to make you stop will kill you for the rest of the day so stop it princess" he says letting go of me.
"Do it daddy I want all of you "
"Tristella " he warns
"Zadennn" I moan
He harshly grabs my kitty. I squeal loudly.
"Are you going to stop?" He ask and grips it harder
I let out a long moan " I asked you a question!" He says taking his hands out and slaps my kitty repeatedly " okay okay I'm sorry I'll stop " I say weakly.
"You gonna listen to daddy now baby?" "Yes sir"
He chuckles "hmm I like the sound of that"
I whimper and he looks at me gasping "im sorry princess i just can't control myself sometimes. Oh my goodness im so sorry baby girl see I told you we shouldn't be together sometimes I just can't control myself and it gets nerve racking baby -"
"Zaden shut up your ranting "
He chuckles "alright bae"
"Good now lets go inside and finish unpacking so we can test the soundproof bedroom " I say winking at him
"Mmm i like the sound of that " he growls playfully.

Next day
Tristella pov

" Zaden?" I call
No response...
"Where is this nigga?" I say to myself
I walk down to the basement to see if he was in his man cave then i go to the kitchen and see a note on the table.

Hey baby, this is a note to let you know that you'll be in heat sometime today so i went out to buy some bags of ice.
Love you baby girl , I'll be back soon!
-daddy Zaden

I shake my head and decide to call him
T= Tristella
Z= Zaden

Z- hey baby wassup
T- nothing just woke up to an empty house
Z- don't be like that Tris
T- well what am I supposed to say when my boyfriend leaves me in our new home alone
Z- behave princess
T- hmm I wonder who I'll invite over to please me since my mate can't
Z- Tristella I'll spank that ass so har-
T- oop Nathan's calling me bye Zaden
Z- who the fuck is Nathan?
Tristella! Tristell-
And I hung up on him.

Honestly, I was just joking, just to see him get upset again.
I take a handful of Oreos and a glass of milk and sit on the couch watching bad girls club when I hear a noise.
Hmm I say to myself then I hear the front door slam open
" whoever slammed that fucking door better be paying a bill in this fucking house ! " I yell. Then I hear it slam closed "stop slamming your daddy head " I say.
"Tristella!!" I hear Zaden yell I roll my eyes and be quiet while he calls me 3 more times.
He walks in the living room with like 20 bags of ice I don't even know howhes carrying them all. "Damn zaden u couldn't take two trips bae u could hurt yourself" I say standing up. " who tf is Nathan?" He asks growling
"What? Zaden stop give me some bags before u hurt your self... didn't u tell me that you broke your arm a few months ago? you gotta be careful bae." I state. He growls "I can take care of them baby girl" once he says that I already know whats coming I roll my eyes "make your human shut the fuck up Isaah " i say looking in his blue eyes. He laughs " whos Nathan " he asked and I rolled my eyes "not you too daddy" I say coming up to him and stroking his chest "who is he Tristella " he ask stubbornly. I roll my eyes yet again and walk away stomping my feet "YOUR ASS JIGGLING BABY" he yells out with a smirk i stick the middle finger up at him "any time babyyy"

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