Chapter 1

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A/n this story is from Idea 3. Many people liked it so I decided to start it now since my last book is almost over. Please vote and comment. I love reading your comments.

Shawn p.o.v.

I wake up to my cell phone ringing. I groan. Who the heck wakes up this early? I grab my phone and answer the call without seeing the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I say after a yawn.

"Shawn, you can't say No," my friend Luke says.

"No," I say immediately. The last time I couldn't say no I ended up with pink and purple hair for a week and a broken pinky toe.

"You don't even know what I'm going to say," Luke whines.

"If it's like last any of the other last times then I know it will be bad," I say.

"Shawn it isn't as bad as last time. I just need you to double date with me. Callum asked me out, but he said he didn't want to leave his best friend alone," he says.

"I don't know Luke. I am not good at dates," I tell him.

"C'mon please," he begs. I think for a sec. I haven't been on a date since sophomore year. Maybe I should start dating or else how will I find mr.Right.

"Okay," I say softly.

"Great. It's today and it's at Shane Dawson's party," he say casually. My eyes grow to the the size of saucers. "A party! I don't want to go to parties. They could have...drugs and alcohol," I whisper the last part. He chuckles. "Of course it will have alcohol. That's what makes is fun. You already agreed anyways, so no backing out," Luke says.

Gosh darn it. Why did I let him talk me into this?

"Fine," I grumble.

"Thank you. I will pick you up at 8. I owe you one," he says and hangs up before I can complain. 8 o'clock? Isn't that kind of late? My bed times at 10.

I sit up and stretch. I smell breakfast being made, so I get up and walk downstairs. I put on my glasses on the way out.

"Shawn. Is that you," my mother asks. I turn out of the stairs and go into the kitchen.

"Yeah mom," I answer as I walk in. "Why are you up so, early? Usually you are down here after breakfast is made," she says. I sit down on one of the chairs near the island.

"I got a call from Luke. He wants me to go on a double date with him tonight at a party," I tell her. She cringes. "How are you going to get your father to let you go," she asks.

"I don't know," I say sadly.

"I have an idea, but first tell me about the girl," she says. My parents don't know I'm gay. I am scared to tell them, they aren't homophobic or anything, but what if I say something and they turn on me. I won't tell them till I'm moved out and live on my own. I have been saving up since I was thirteen.

"I don't know. It's a blind date," I tell her. "Now how do I get dad to let me go?"

"Act all cute and stuff and he won't be bake to resist," she says. I nod my head. I can do that.

I get up and go upstairs. I changed into a plain white shirt and monkey bottoms. I then grab my favorite stuffed lion that I've had since I was five. I named him Leo Muffin, but I call him Mr.Muffin because I've always liked muffins.

I walk into my dad's office and see dad sitting on his chair working on some business thing or something. He is a CEO or something to a company.

"Good morning Shawnie," he says.

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