Chapter 3

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Shawn p.o.v.

Oh my gosh. I'm pregnant, there is a little guy or girl in my stomach. I'm going to be a daddy. Then what is Taylor? A daddy too or another name? What if Taylor doesn't want the kids? Should I tell him? How can I tell him? He deleted all his social media stuff and changed his number. He left for Indiana already for a summer program.

If I tell him we will be young parents. Would we have like a divorce couple relationship or would we get married? Is it fair to drop this bombshell on him? This will change his life forever. Can I ask him to change his life for them?

"awn....Shawn...Shawn," Dr. Malik says waving a hand in front of me.

I shake my head to push those thoughts out of my head for now. "Yeah. Sorry Dr. Malik. What's were you saying?"

He smiles at me. "It's okay. I was just wondering if you and the...papa of the baby are together," he asks. I sigh and shake my head. "We just did 'it' once," I say.

"Well you should talk to him. You don't want to be like Stacy Walter," he says. My eyes go wide. Stacy Walter was an 18 year old girl who slept with a 38 year old man. Her and the man weren't together, they met at a club. Basically after the baby was born there was huge custody battle and the man won. He had full custody and would never let her see her children and eventually got a restraining order against her. She committed suicide a couple years later after that.

I don't want that. I don't want Taylor to take my children away. I don't think I could handle that. His mom is a successful lawyer and his dad is like CEO or something for a company. They have a great chance of winning.

"Do you want to talk about it," Dr. Malik asks. I shake my head. I don't think I can talk without breaking down. "Do you want to see them," he asks.

I smile and nod. He takes me to a room with an ultra sound machine. He lays me down and tells me to pull my shirt up. I do and he puts a cold thing on my stomach before using the machine.

When the baby image appear tears of happiness fall. "Well seems like somebody's have twins," Dr. Malik says.

"Twins? Really?" I asks. Dr. Malik shows me the two different babies growing inside of me. He gives me pictures and recommends a doctor in Canada named Dr. Lox who could help me.


I'm outside the Caniff house(more like mansion) debating if I should knock or not. What do I say? Do I tell them? Should I ask for his number?

Before I can decide the door opens. A woman in about her late 40's or early 50's shows up. "Oh hello. How can I help you," she asks. I know she isn't Taylor's mom because I've met her before when I was in elementary. "Hello mam, I was just wondering if I could talk to the Caniff's," I ask.

"May I ask what it concerns?"

"Well I need to contact with their son, Taylor. I have really important news for him."

"Oh I'm his grandmother. Come in," she says and gestures me in.

"Thank you," I say when I walk in. She leads me into her kitchen where I see Mr. And Mrs. Caniff, an old man, and a guy and woman who look like Mr. And Mrs. Caniff age. The guys were wearing suits and the woman were wearing fancy dresses.

"Mother who was at th--Shawn hello," he says. I shyly wave at him and say hi.

"Oh Shawnie I haven't seen you in years," Mrs.Caniff says giving me a hug. We haven't seen each other in like 10 years. The only time I see her is at those party for my dad's and Mr. Caniff's companies.

"Hey Mrs.Caniff," I greet.

"Shawn this my mother Aurora and my father Aidan," Mr.Caniff says introducing me to the old man and old woman from the door. "Hello," I say and shake their hands.

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