chapter 17

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"Wheres Lily?" I ask Clinton as I file the packs paper work. He sits down in front of me.
"I saw her heading for the meadow earlier, I think she wanted some time to herself" he says.
I nod at him with acceptance that the mother to be needed some her time.
"Hey Luka, Its a blue moon today you know" Clinton says with a smile on his face.
I completely forgot about that, blue moons only come once a year. They can have some funny effects on wolves as there are two full moons in a month. I look out the window and see the moon is nearly at its peak.
"Havent experienced a blue moon in years" I chuckle.
"Wanna join the rest of the pack outside then?" Asks Clinton .
"Sure" we both get out of our seats and exit the office.
As we go outside I see the other fifteen members of our pack. I see that Lily is not there at the moment, I realise it must be hard for her not being able to shift. I join the rest of the pack, I crouch down on the ground and contemplate my surroundings and take in the nature around me. I look back up and all I can see are yellow eyes. A shiver covers my body and my blood starts to boil as I feel my wolf arise. I concentrate on bringing the beats within out of its shell. I close my eyes as I shift into my wolf.
I open my eyes and look at Clinton by my side who is now a big grey wolf.
I join the others who start howling in harmony.
At the back of my mind I can help but worry about Lily, is she okay out there in the dark on her own?

I hear the others signalling for me to lead them so I agree and take them into the woods. On a full moon we normally start to hunt and I know that tonight is my turn to lead the pack. We run for a mile before coming to a herd of elk. We know the tactics, some of us circle the herd whilst the fastest ones stay around the middle and stalk the weak or sick ones. I stay around the middle because I can keep a good pace. I see Clinton go in for the kill and the chase begins, within minutes a old sick elk is down. We dig into our meal.

The night is almost over and the niggling thought at the back of my head becomes more prominent. I know there's something wrong. I'm able to shift back into human form.
"Lily isn't back still, I think there's something wrong I'm going down to the meadow " I say to Clinton in who is still in wolf form, he gives a quick bark which I guess means 'Okay'.
I Sprint down to the meadow and hear a low weak cry, I can smell her.

"Luka" her voice hoarse with tears.
I hear her cry out in pain which makes me jump. I find her curled up in the flowers holding onto her stomach.
"It's too early, it's too early!" She starts to panick.
"Holy crap Lily I'm so sorry, it's gonna be okay!" I realise she's having contractions, god knows how long she's been here all alone in so much pain, I feel terrible for not trusting my instincts the first time. I hold her carefully in my arms and try to make her feel comfortable. I let out a howl to signal that there's trouble, I stroke her head which is covered in sweat. I sense the others and Clinton near by.
"Help!" I cry out. I feel anxiety as I know that it really is too early.
"Luka please don't leave me" she cries.
"I will never leave your side Lily" tears start to fill my eyes.
"How long has she been like this?" The packs nurse asks.
" I don't know I have only just found her " I say.
"Right we need to get her inside because there's a baby on its way!" The nurse states.


They lay me down on the bed in the nurses room, I'm constantly looking for Luka, needing comfort.
I take deep breaths and feel a hand hold mine, I look up and see Luka.
Another contraction hits and I know it's time, I start to push with all my might. I squeeze Lukas hand and suddenly feel reflief. I hear a faint cry which grows into a howling scream, yep....That's my baby alright.

The nurse hands her to me and I cradle her in my arms. Luka strokes her head and starts to cry. I'm overcome with emotion and I start to shed tears as I look down at our new, beautiful baby girl. With the piercing blue eyes I saw in the dream.

The nurse takes her off me.
"Where are you taking her?" I feel worried.
"She needs to be kept in a incubator for a while, after all she is very premature " the nurses says.
When I see the nurses holding her I realise just how small she is, I want her chances of survival to be as high as possible.
"Okay" I agree with her.

I lay my head back and I feel exhausted after all that. I'm worried for my baby as a little part of me knows she might not survive.

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