Chapter 6

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"Where the hell have you been?!" Mum yells. I struggle to get my words out, I go to speak but I cant. I don't want to tell her about the attack.
"Im sorry mum, I got a little sidetracked" I look down at the floor.
"You don't say! I saw you making out with Mr wolf boy pants out there!" She scrunches her eyebrows.
"Its not what it looks like just ple-"
"Oh its exactly what it looks like, you've mated haven't you?" She points out
"No we haven't completely mated mom I have decided that I'm going to wait until my eighteeth" i try to explain to her but shes not having it.
"Just go to your room Lily" she sighs.
I give her a serious look and make my way upstairs. Why doesn't she get the point? I remember how she couldn't wait to get me mated with my last boyfriend and now this? I just don't get it.

I flop onto my bed and whip out my phone, I dial Luka's number.
"Hey" I hear his husky voice.
"Hey...I don't know if I'm allowed to go to that party, mum has a serious mood on her" I tell him
" Oh what no, thats a bummer" his tone flat.
"I want to see you Lily "
"You've only just left me" I say as we both laugh.
"I could come to yours...but I would have to sneak out" I say
"Oh look at you, you little rebel. Guess thats what I like about you " his voice teasing.
"See you later then" I challenge him.
"Alright then" he says in a mocking voice. I hang up and smile, I will be spending the night with Luka!

I open my draws and pull out jeans and other clothes, I then look for a dress to wear to the party. I look through my wardrobe and I meet my perfect match, a black and gold slim fit dress. I hardly ever wear dresses, but this time I actually have someone to impress.
Once my bags are packed I listen out for mom, creep down the stairs and click the door open.
I step out onto the street and breath in the midnight air, I cant smell anyone else on the street so I start to sprint, around corners and across roads I finally get to Luka's house.
Before I can knock on the door Luka opens the door with a big grin on his face.
"Come in" he smiles.
I walk in, I study all the decor in his house. I start to wonder, are his parents ever at home? Does he even have parents? Luka doesn't really talk about himself a lot to be fair, I wish he would though.
"Do you want to sleep in the spare room? Or with me?" He smirks.
"Oh um, I don't mind...whatever is best for you" I mumble. Theres a small pause.
"Is there any chance I can jump in the shower, I didn't have one at mine" I ask. he nods and then shows me where the bathroom is.

I throw my bag into the corner and stare into the mirror, my hair is a bit wind swept, I just ignore it and and hop in the shower anyway.

Once I'm out I put my bag on the kingsized bed, with the towel still rapped around me I rummage through my bag for clothes. I feel some hands slide around my waist, my eyes widen.

I turn around to see Luka.
"Oh um...hey" I whisper.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah Im okay thanks" I answer.
He leans in to kiss me and our lips meet, my hands start to brush through his hair. My tongue slides through his lips, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
He lowers me down onto the bed. my wolf is scratching at me as he starts to kiss my neck. I cant help but moan
"Tell me you want this" he whispers.
"Yes, yes " I say impatiently.
He then removes his shirt and I unbutton his jeans . I study his half naked body, he then rips the towel off me....and slowly rocks into me.
"Oh god" I moan, I grasp his back not wanting this to stop. But eventually it does, we then sleep peacefully next to each other.

But thats when I realise we have made a big mistake, we have broke wolfblood law...because Im not eighteen yet. This is a whole new situation altogether...

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