Chapter One: Voldemort?

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(Emma Roberts as Kimberly Roberts *but imagine her with blue eyes*)

(Emma Roberts as Kimberly Roberts *but imagine her with blue eyes*)

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            "You failed your exam, again."

            Sir Jeremy, the glaring teacher across the desk, furiously slides my test paper towards me, almost flying up in mid-air if it weren't for my quick hands slamming it back on the desk. I cautiously eye the paper and notice the big red F on the right side.

           An annoyed deflated sigh escapes my lips as I return my gaze to him and merely shrug.

            "I'm sorry but I just don't think we'd be using Calculus in real life so why bother putting much effort to it?" It was a lame response. Honestly, I was just too busy stalking Harry Styles on his Instagram profile the night before the exam.

            He pinches the bridge of his nose, "This is your 3rd time taking this test and you still haven't passed it, Miss Roberts." He scoots forward and stares directly at me with his intense sea green eyes. "And this is the 3rd time I've told you this: Please. Take. This. Seriously." He emphasizes each word with a firm pause.

            "Maybe a thousand dollars will make you change that F to at least a C minus?"

            My math teacher glowers at me as if I've just uttered the stupidest thing he's ever heard.

            I did well in Math in my elementary years. I only got this bad ever since high school teachers decided it would be fantastic to combine letters with numbers. Now I despise that subject with every fiber in my body.

            "I don't need your money." He crosses his arms, making me notice the visible lines of his chest through his thin white V-neck shirt. "Do you want me to call your dad?"    

            "Tattle-tale," I mumble.

            He scoffs in mock surprise, "Oh I'm so going to call your dad, young lady."

            I raise an eyebrow. "Do it. I don't really care."

              My dad is always in various business meetings hence his phone is turned off almost all the time. If there's an emergency, I just have to call his secretary which I'm a hundred percent sure this teacher has no knowledge of.

            His jaws clench "You're getting a math tutor."

            "I won't pay for it." Money isn't really an issue for me but I refuse to be taught by someone who's probably just a stuck up to teachers just so they could ace a subject.

            "You don't have to. I'm going to pay for her tutoring services." He assures which makes me roll my eyes. "As your teacher, I'm saddened that I failed to educate you well so I'm doing the best I can to rectify this situation."

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