Chapter Fifteen: Danger Zone

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My sweetest Kimberly,

If you're reading this then that only means either of the two things: I almost died or I died.

I wrote this letter the moment I told you of your upcoming engagement with the Lincoln's heir because I have a very weak heart and I'm going to die sooner than what I was hoping and I don't want to keep you in the dark for too long.

First, I want to tell you how much I love you, princess. I'm so proud that despite not having your mother with you, you still grew up to be a wonderful young lady with a beautiful heart. I'm in awe of you, my love. Don't ever forget that.

Second, and I hope you won't hate me for this; the reason why I wanted you to marry Jeremy Lincoln because your mother has left you a large trust fund that we can use to improve the company. She made it when you were only four. It was your late grandparents' money that she placed so I can't really open that trust fund until we follow one of her conditions indicated in the contract. The Trust Fund can only be managed once you wedded Jeremy Lincoln or you have your first child with anyone. She said it was her gift to you.

I really have no idea why your mother had those conditions. But princess, please don't hate me for using you to get that money. I only wanted what's best for us and marrying you off to Jeremy is the only way I could think of, unless you got pregnant at the age of 18 which I'm sure you won't agree to and I don't like that idea either.

The Trust Fund has never crossed my mind for years. Until I saw how much money we were already losing and I remembered your mom's supposed gift for you. I'm really sorry if I forced you into this but it was the quickest way to save our company. I'm not sure if the Lincoln family knows of the Trust Fund but when I asked them to help us financially, they wanted you to marry their son to secure the agreement as well. I haven't mentioned the Trust Fund to them yet but maybe they do know of it too.

If you're reading this because I'm dead then don't worry about the company just yet, I have a few reliable people, including your grandma, who will manage it until you're ready. But if you're reading this and I'm still alive, I hope you'd find it in your heart to forgive me someday, princess.

I love you always.

Your dad, Adrian Roberts.

I stare at the letter in utter shock.

A Trust Fund that can only be opened if I married Jeremy or I have my first child. Wow.

Was my mom high on drugs when she made that condition? Seriously, why in the world would she want me to marry Jeremy in the first place? She's definitely on to something.

I close the letter and put it back inside the envelope. I'm now sitting beside my dad in his hospital bed. Now that I know all of these, I can't really hate him for pushing me to marry that guy. My dad only wanted to save the company and I'm the only one who can help save it.

"You're done reading it?" Jeremy says across the room. He's sitting by the couch I was on earlier, currently eating a burger and fries.

I just nod because I'm still a little speechless.

"Mind sharing why we're forced to get married?"

"No." I shake my head and he narrows his eyes.

"Fine. Then you're not getting any of these." He closes the McDonalds paper bag as he frowns at me. Wow, that was so childish.

"I'll tell you later. Just, not now. I'm still trying to absorb all the words."

"May I read it?"

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