Chapter Nine: An Intimate Gesture

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            "We do not tolerate such illicit behavior in this school Mr. Lance Knight." Jeremy's penetrating sea-green eyes travel to mine, "And you should've known better, Kimberly"

             I want to roll my eyes but refrain myself. He's being so irrational right now. It's not like Lance and I were found doing the nasty in the classroom full of students. It was a simple peck on the chin—which completely took me off guard might I add—yet he's acting like we murdered innocent babies a few minutes ago.

            "In my defense, I only found her adorable so I kissed her." Is Lance's stupid response.

            "On the freakin' chin!" I emphasize nonetheless.

            Our math teacher continues to glare at us. "I don't care if it's on the chin, nose, lips or any part of her body. It was still an intimate gesture inside the classroom and that is strictly prohibited" Is he really serious right now?

            My hands fly out in exasperation. "Oh, heaven's no! We made an intimate gesture! Such transgression we have committed! Whatever shall we do?" I let out a sarcastic remark.

            Lance puts his hand on his chest. "I'm the one who sinned. I should solely repent."

            Sir Jeremy growls in annoyance, "Are you both making fun of me?"

            My lips curve in a fake smile. "Are we?"

            Lance adjusts himself on the chair so he can be more comfortable. "I'm sorry but don't you think you're over reacting over a simple kiss that is not even on the lips?"

            I join in. "It was a simple peck on the chin, nothing more!"

            "But—" Jeremy starts but I interrupt him before he says something illogical again.

            "But nothing" I pull Lance up from his seat "Let's go, Lance. We're wasting our time here." We both leave that infuriating teacher's office. I'm sure he'll text me of being immature again for walking out on him but I don't care. He's being insufferable right now and I just can't stand that kind of imprudent pride anymore.

Once we're outside his office, Lance sniggers. I give him a questioning look and he's shaking his head while smiling as if what happened completely amused him.

            "What's so funny?" I ask while we saunter towards our next classroom since we both have the same class schedule today, as well as his other friends.

            "Are you sure you're not dating that teacher?" He probes.

            My face flushes. "I already told you, we're not dating"

            He merely shrugs. "He sure is acting like a jealous boyfriend"

More like a jealous fiancé.

"So, Tyler, huh?" I tease, remembering his fake name last Saturday night.

He rolls his eyes. "Tyler is my second name. What about you, Chloe?"

"Chloe is just my safe name that I give to strangers." I simply show him a wide grin. "And I've always wanted my name to be Chloe, sadly I'm stuck with Kimberly."

"That's really sad." He chuckles.

            We reach the room for our English class and as expected, girls start fangirling. One chick even flies off from her seat and jumps on Lance making them both land on the floor.

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