Chapter Five: Sick, Cliche Book

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                A smile automatically curves on my lips. If I had known Kyle is my supposed fiancé, I would've dragged him to a priest myself and share our wedding vows whether he likes it or not.

            "Kim?" His eyes find mine then confusedly search the room. Then he backs away slowly, and I think my heart stopped when he speaks, "Oops, wrong room. Sorry." He embarrassingly waves goodbye and leaves me standing there, dumbfounded.

             What the actual hell?

             Did that really just happen? I think my dad asks me something but I'm still mortified and immobile on my place so I'm not sure if he really did. The door is still wide open when another guy appears to be walking towards me, his attention on the phone on his hand.

            My feet take two steps backward at the sight of him.

           "No way," I mumble under my breath. He must have heard me because he looks up and his face immediately becomes pale as a white sheet.

            "Sweet mother of Zeus," He mutters in disbelief.

            "Jeremy, I'm so glad you're finally here!" His mom walks towards us and gives him a kiss on the cheek yet his eyes remained on me, and mine on him. Mrs. Lincoln regards us inquisitively "Why do you both look so surprised?"

            I finally find my voice "He's my teacher"

            That shocks her too, "You're a student of Weatherford High?"

           I merely manage to nod in response.

           Everyone is quiet until Mr. Lincoln breaks the silence. "Why don't we all take a seat first." He invites. I am about to sit on the same place where I sat last time but they insist that its better if Sir. Jeremy and I sit together. What's good with that?

          "Mom, dad," Sir Jeremy starts, his voice begging. "I know this is only just a simple meeting but I've already made my decision. Kim cannot be my fiancé. She's my student"

          Five seconds of more silence.

          Three pairs of eyes stare at us as if they're thinking of the next move.

         "Leave your job then." Mrs. Lincoln unexpectedly suggests. "I don't really like you becoming a teacher anyway."

          "What?" He stares at her mother with incredulity, "No! Why would I leave my job to be with this... spoiled brat?"

           My hands turn into a fist and I punch him on the arm. "Well you're a damn useless teacher anyway!" I spat angrily. He opens his mouth to fire another angry remark when my dad slams his palm over the table, making us flinch and fall into silence.

           "Watch your words, Kimberly Adriana." Yikes, my father used my full name.

           Mrs. Lincoln exhales heavily "I'm sorry, Jay but the moment you agreed last night, we immediately called everyone who can help prepare the wedding," She explains calmly. "It would be embarrassing to cancel them all."

          My head instantly shoots to my dad "You said this is just something to help us decide whether to continue the engagement? You already finalized it?"

         He falls silent for a while. "I'm sorry, princess."

         I think I'm going to explode. "Dad! You promised me you won't do anything against my will"

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