Chapter Six: I am Not a Turtle

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          "Hey wake up."

           I hear someone commands as he pokes my cheek, making me grumble out a curse.

           "Five minutes." I lift my blanket and place it over my head, covering my whole body from head to toe. I roll to the other side of the bed, facing away from him. There is nothing you can do to separate me from my cozy bed, Mister whoever you are.

            "Wake up, come on now." He continues to beg as he starts punching my arm lightly. Six more punches and I give up, before my skin forms a bruise. I get rid of my soft blanket and open my eyes at a snail's pace and notice a very handsome guy sitting on the edge of my bed. I blink my eyes again before being able to focus my vision.

             "What are you doing here?!" I sit up and heave the blanket on my chest level. Did he do something to me? I'm so going to kill him if he did.

             "Your dad allowed me in your room to wake you up. I didn't do anything to you." He sneers at me. "I'm not even tempted"

             "Why are you here anyway?" I ask, still holding on to my blanket. "I don't have anything under my PJs, okay?" He stands up and forcefully pulls off the blanket off me.

            "Just get ready. We're going to meet someone." Then he closes the door behind him. Well, that was just rude.

            I dash to my bathroom and take a thirty-minute shower. I usually take an hour or so but of course I don't want it to be a setback in his so-called outing. I step out of the steamy shower and out of the bathroom only in my towel which I'm two seconds from taking off until the doorknob clicks and Jeremy's head pokes in.

             "You're taking so long" His eyes immediately widen as he grasps the fact that only a towel is covering me "Well this is awkward." He mumbles, a smirk plastered on his lips.

               My mouth hangs open. I blush furiously as my stomach makes a quick flip and I feel an insane urge of running back to the bathroom and vomit everything I have inside me "Oh my gosh! Get out! Get out!" I angrily hurl my pillows on his face. "You pervert! Get out!" Nausea invades me as if I'm about to pass out.

               "You're the one who didn't lock it!" He raises his hands in mock defeat then closes the door again. That pervert! First my diary and now my body? He really doesn't know what privacy means, does he? I sigh in nuisance and quickly change in decent clothes; an outfit that isn't too revealing nor too scabbard, just enough for me to move freely. A pair of denim jeans and a 'Swiftie Forever' tank top.

               "Let's go." I tell him as I step out my room. He glances down at me and a glint of smile flashes on his lips again as if he's remembering what just happened ten minutes ago. I really want to strangle him right now just to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

                He clutches my elbow and drags me down the stairs. My dad is sitting on the couch, quietly reading the newspaper in his hands. He looks at us once he notices our shadows.

              Good thing you're up." My father says. He turns his gaze to my teacher "Please take care of my princess, she can be clumsy sometimes."

              I will, Sir." He drags me again out of our house, pushing me inside his car.

            "You're such a gentleman, you know that?" I scoff derisively, rolling my eyes at him. He just glowers, followed by a quick shot of 'shut-up' look.

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