Chapter Sixteen: Be Quiet

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             "We only make out whenever he breaks up with Hailey."

            Ella defends and I gawk at her incredulously. Her face shows a mixture of pride and humiliation. I don't know if I should smack her on the head or cheer for her.

            "That still makes you the side-chick. The mistress in their relationship." I chastise.

            "Technically, no," Ella denies "I'm more of Kyle's rebound whenever they break up. You know they're in an on and off relationship, right?"

            "And you're fine being the rebound?" I can't believe my best friend agrees with that kind of arrangement. I would never be okay with that.

            She just shrugs "Yeah. Kyle is cute and a great kisser. I don't really have genuine feelings for him. It's more of just a physical attraction."

            I shake her shoulders. "You've slept with him?"

            Ella coughs awkwardly. "No?" I slap her face because she's definitely lying. "Ouch, okay, sort of." What does that even mean? I slap her on the other cheek. "Hey! That was hard!"

            "Well, because you're lying to me!"

            She groans. "We haven't done anything yet but we've already slept together with clothes on after watching Game of Thrones. Nothing happened. At all. Is that truthful enough for you?"

            I narrow my eyes at her, still suspicious. "And when was this?"

            "Last Friday, the night they broke up again"

            "You hoe!"

            Her head drops to her hands. "I know!"

            I pull her in for a hug. "There, there. I'll still love you even when you become a stripper."

            "Really?" She says with puppy dog eyes.

            "Or even a prostitute." I kiss her forehead "I'll accept you no matter what."

            Jeremy exits the kitchen and eyes us apprehensively on the couch. I can't really blame him for being puzzled with our conversation because we've had weirder talks wherein people almost called 911 on us for spouting out disturbing sentences.

            "Should I be worried?" He asks and we shake our heads. He slowly nods, still uneasy "Are you not attending your afternoon class, Miss Summers?"

            Ella glances at the wall clock on top of my dad's bed. It's already 12 P.M. and returns her attention to him. "Are you not teaching for your afternoon class?"

            He winks at me. "Family emergency. He's going to be my father-in-law soon so I need to be here with my future wife" And damn, did that make my stomach filled with pests.

            Ella rolls her eyes. "Fine, I'm leaving." We both walk towards the door "Uncle Adrian may be passed out but that doesn't mean you can do dirty stuff in this room. That's just wrong on so many levels." I glare at my friend and push her out the door while she controls her laughter.

            "You have a weird friend." Jeremy says behind me.

            "But if you really want to, be quiet!" Elle shouts from the other side of the door and I cover my face in embarrassment. Yeah, I really have a weird friend whom I should kill soon.

            "We will!" Jeremy shouts back and I instinctively throw daggers at him with my eyes. How dare he joins my best friend's craziness?

             "Don't forget to share the details, alright?" She taunts and I open the door again to hit her with my flip flops but she's already running away from me. She glances back and waves me goodbye before entering the elevator. I close the door with a loud growl.

            The math teacher laughs. "I like your friend."

            "Shut up."

* * * * *

            When night falls, Jeremy finally decides to take a shower. The bathroom is located in front of our beds and I am lying on mine while writing an English essay that is due tomorrow when the door opens and Jeremy comes out with only a towel around his waist. I literally drop the pen I am holding when I notice the droplets of water running down his chest. My eyes follow him as he walks barefoot towards his bed without a care in the world.

            Staring at my teacher's V outline on his waist made me blush fifty shades of red.

          Jeremy unzips his bag, takes out clean clothes then peers up to me. I think I was drooling when he saw me ogling him because he winks before saying, "Mind turning around?"

          I instantaneously whip my head to the other direction and close my eyes "You know you could've just changed your clothes in the bathroom, right?"

         "Nah, you like it this way." He chuckles and I throw a pillow behind me, hoping it hits him even though I wasn't looking. "I'm taking off my towel now, don't try having a peek. But you're still welcome to do so if you really want to."

           I grumble and cover my face with my hands. "Stop being a pervert!" The sound of the wet towel dropping on the marbled floor makes the situation more awkward.

          Although he is more than two feet away from me and I'm facing the opposite direction, there's still a completely naked man in the room with me for Pete's sake and my face burns with that fact. I can hear more shuffling behind me and I know he's wearing his clothes now but my mind can't help but imagine him doing so and I hate my stupid brain for doing that. Now my face becomes hotter and hotter by each passing minute.

            At last he says, "It's safe now."

          I slowly move my head and only open one eye. He's only wearing a pair of gray boxers and white T-shirt so I close my eyes again. "You're not wearing pants!" This idiot.

        "I don't wear pants in bed."

        "You wore pants last night," I argue.

        "And I was really uncomfortable." He clarifies "Stop being a prude." The sound of the blanket covering his body make me assume he's under them so I open my eyes to glare at him.

           "Wear some pants, my dad is in here." I tell him.

          "He's asleep. Now stop talking or I'll remove my boxers too." That instantly shuts me up.

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