Chapter Fourteen: Marc Eaton

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My fiancé is not saying anything. He's not even whispering comforting words. Probably because he doesn't know what will happen to my dad either. He refuses to give me false hope so I just wrap my arms around him and hold him tighter.

            An hour has gone and I'm still enveloped in Jeremy's arms. I stopped crying now. But my chest still hurts. I'm still terrified for my dad. One nurse informed us that he had a heart attack and hit his head with the fall. He's breathing but still not stable and they're doing the best they can to make sure he'll live. She returned to the Emergency room. That was thirty minutes ago. My fear increases by every passing minute.

            "Do you want something to drink?" Jeremy asks, his chin on top of my head.

            "No," I manage to utter. My voice sounds cracked and weak. I slightly pull away from his embrace and look up to him. "Why are you here?" He can't possibly have known what happened to my dad before he got to our house, could he?

            He sighs. "I wanted to explain myself about Jewel. You were out the door before I could even talk to you and I didn't want Jewel to suspect about us so I just let you leave."

            I sit up straight. "You don't have to explain about your girlfriend. It's fine."

            "Ex-girlfriend. We broke up seven years ago."

            "Oh." But he still let her kiss him.

            "I saw hurt in your eyes when she tried to kiss me. I couldn't do that to you." Tried? "I pushed her way before our lips could even touch, just letting you know."

            Somehow that makes me feel less bad about this situation "There wasn't hurt in my eyes," I deny. "Get over yourself."

            He just nods and amusedly says, "Sure" which means he doesn't believe me.


            "Why did you break up?" I need to talk about something else to calm myself. Thinking about my dad's imminent death only makes me want to cry and I don't think my body could take another hour of crying.

            He is hesitant at first. "We shouldn't be together in the first place."

            "Why? She's really beautiful though."

            He shakes his head. "It's complicated."

            "Did you love her?" Why can't I stop putting salt to the wound?           

            He tucks a hair strand behind my ear. "I thought I did but... I couldn't have possibly love someone like her."

            Now I'm more curious. "Why?"

            It's evident in his indifferent eyes that he doesn't want to answer that question. Fortunately for him, another nurse exits the Emergency room. "Mr. Adrian Roberts is stable but we're still not certain when he'll regain consciousness." That made me feel a little better.

            "When can we see him?" Jeremy asks.

            "We'll be sending him to a private room in a few minutes. You can see him by then."

            "Thank you," I tell her and she goes to the other direction with a reassuring smile. 

            About ten minutes later, we stand up as they release my dad from the E.R. in a stretch bed, an oxygen mask attached to his face, layers of gauze covering a quarter of his head. He's unconscious but patently breathing, unlike an hour ago where we barely felt a pulse on his wrist.

            Jeremy kisses the top of my head. "He's going to be okay."

            The doctor informs us that they'll be bringing him to the best private suit on the top floor since our trusted house staff have already worked on the needed hospital documents for my dad. I'm just glad I'm clearly not alone in this.

            Once my dad is already settled in his room, I can't help but cry again; not of sadness but of relief. In spite of his unconscious state right now, the doctors assured us that he'll wake up within this month. Jeremy holds me as I cry with a small smile.

            Two hours later, everyone has dispersed and returned back to our house. Jeremy left to buy a McDonald's meal for us. It's only 8:45 in the evening and I'm already sleepy, possibly because I've shed so many tears today. One of the house helpers offered to take my place of staying the night here so I can sleep peacefully at home but I refused. I'm his daughter and I should be the one to look after my dad.

            The door opens and I'm expecting Jeremy to come in with a McDonald's paper bag but he isn't. Instead it's a good looking man in a business suit, probably in his mid 30's. He's holding a suitcase in his right hand and a book in his left.

(Jensen Ackles as Marc Eaton)

            I stand up from the couch as he cautiously approaches me

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            I stand up from the couch as he cautiously approaches me. "Marc Eaton, your dad's lawyer." He offers his hand in front of me and I uncertainly shake it.

            "Kimberly Roberts."

            "Your dad has told me a lot about you." He smiles and retreats his hand. "Should we take a seat?" We both do. He opens his suitcase on his lap. I watch him warily as he scans the papers. What is he doing here?

            I'm not really comfortable seating beside a stranger right now. I've heard his name countless of times. He's my dad's most trusted lawyer and I know should trust him too but this is my first time meeting him in person so I'm still a little guarded.

            I exhale a calm breath when Jeremy enters the room with a McDonald's paper bag. He eyes Marc curiously and I just shrug.

            "He's Marc Eaton, my dad's lawyer." I tell him. Nicholas gives a small smile to him and returns his attention back to the papers.

            "Ah, here it is." He says then hands me a small white envelope. I simply stare at it.

            Jeremy sits beside me. "What's that?" 

            "This is Adrian Roberts' last will and testament...sort of. It's a letter for Kim to be exact"

            I can't help but scowl at him. "My dad is still alive, Mr. Eaton"

            The lawyer chuckles. "I know. But your dad specifically told me to give you this letter the moment a near-death experience happens to him. I'm just following orders, Kim." He's still offering the envelope towards me so I just take it.

            "Have you read this?" I ask him.

            He shakes his head. "It's perfectly sealed so I haven't. But your dad informed me what that letter contains so I can help with any procedures if anything happens to him."

            "Procedures? What do you mean by that?" Jeremy probes.

Marc merely stands up. "Let's just say that letter contains the reason why you ought to be married immediately." He takes out a card from his pocket and hands it to me. "Call me when you need more clarifications."

            I cautiously take the calling card and he leaves the room.

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