Chapter Twenty-Three: Yes, I did

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By seven thirty in the evening, I have probably worn all the gowns in Bryan's office.

He finally approved on one strapless and backless wedding dress with almost four layers of fabric underneath it. But it was beautiful and it has the perfect shade of white that fairly matches my blue eyes and blonde hair so I have to praise Bryan for that.

It was still exhausting.

Thankfully, he decided to bring the gown to their private tailor on the second floor to discuss of the various changes and adjustments he wants to make to the wedding dress which gave me time to rest in his office.

Jeremy also decided to wait in Bryan's office for his perfect suit instead of the lobby.

And now it's been fifteen minutes and I'm bored out of my mind.

Jeremy and I are both sitting on the couch. Unfortunately, he's busy reading on his tablet while I have nothing else to do. This sucks.

Then I remember the marriage contract I shoved in my backpack a while ago. With a new found enthusiasm, I pull it out from my back and open the folder, Jeremy cautiously watching me.

"Is that the marriage contract?' He asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah. I'm finally going to read it!"

            Three sentences from the first paragraph and my mind is ready to shut down...or explode.

            I know the words are written in English but why are they all this complicated? Party A and Party is B is all I understood. I feel stupider by the second so I angrily close the folder and put it back inside my bag.

            Jeremy looks up from his tablet again. "Done reading it? That was fast"

            I shrug, pretending to have read it. "Yeah, it was alright."

            A smile automatically curves on his lips. "You couldn't understand anything, could you?"

            "Excuse me?" I fake a gasp "My eyes just feel tired."

             "Sure." This guy obviously doesn't believe me and I don't blame him. He returns his attention back to his iPad.

"Hey," I say as my finger pokes Jeremy's cheek.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy asks irritably as he rubs the cheek I just poked.

"I'm bored." I should've brought my iPad with me too. I hate that I don't have games on my phone either.

He scowls. "Go play rock and scissors with a mirror."

"Nah, I'm good," I tell him mordantly. "C'mon, let's play a game."

He closes his tablet and turn his head to look at me.

"Okay, let's play a game," He says and I scoot closer to him to hear his plan. "You stay there while I do my business here. No talking. No poking. No kicking. No anything. We will not talk to each other until tomorrow. Got it? The game starts now."

"That's not even a game," I scoff.

A smile attempts to curve on his lips. "Yes, it is"

"Oh yeah? Well what happens when someone break the rules?"

"Uh, there will be consequences?" He suggests

"Like what?"

"Uh... well... whoever breaks the rules will...uh, dance like a chicken?" He proposes and I instantly roll my eyes at him.

He's such a pathetic douche.

"Let's play truth or dare," I offer excitedly.

"No." He states.

"Why not? It's a really fun game."

"No, it's not. It's for kids... like you."

"Hey!" I protest "I am not a kid anymore! I'm almost eighteen. Mind the word TEEN!"

"But your brain tells you're eight." How dare he?

"Oh yeah? Well... can an eight-year old solve your math questions?"

"No, and neither can you" He chuckles. Touché, my friend, touché.

"Well..." I trail off, thinking of things that an eight-year-old can't do that I can.

"Well what? You're still a kid. No offense." He says, raising his hands in mid-air.


"Well, can an 8-year-old do this?" I say then lean down to press my lips over his. I'm pretty sure that only a teen like me can do that.

I feel his hand clasp over my shoulders as if he's pulling me closer to him.

Our lips don't move, we just stay like this for like seconds until his hand trails up to my face and I feel how warm his hand is. I sense his lips slowly massaging mine whilst I'm still motionless, staring at his closed eyelids.

Why do people close their eyes when they kiss? Does it make the kiss feel better?

Jeremy continues to lean forward until my back hits the arm-rest of the couch. My eyes are still looking at his closed ones until I decide to just shut them close, too. Instincts start to kick in and I respond with my lips.

So, this is the Fresh kiss everyone's gushing about.

"Kim," he groans as my tongue pokes to tease his lower lip. Jeremy deepens the kiss when my hand grips on his bicep.

Well, this is one way to pass the time.

We kiss for who knows how long, up until the thought of Bryan seeing as like this invades my mind. I immediately pull away before the owner of this couch thinks we're soiling it.

"Ha! eight years old can't do that," I say victoriously, trying to bring back the humor.

He stares for me for a while before shaking his head.

"You're so childish." He returns to his position and opens his tablet again to read an eBook.

"And you liked that kiss," I joke.

I stand up from my seat and go out the door to find Jade. But before the door could finally shut close, I hear him say something really soft that I almost didn't hear.

"Yes, I did"

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