Chapter Twenty-Five: Ex-Fiance

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Once I step foot inside the said house, I feel like Alice after she ate the cookie with shrinking potion because damn this house is huge! It's three times bigger than our own house.

After a few minutes of searching through this white sandstone mansion, I hear someone shout, "I don't want to hear your stupid reason! Just leave me alone!"

That definitely sounds like Jeremy.

I hide myself behind the wall, my head slightly peeking through the open arch. I see a man's figure, he's facing away from me and it looks like he's talking to someone.

"Jay, I only did that because I love you... I love you, so much." And that's Jewel's voice.

She pushes herself up so their faces become closer but before she could even make contact with his mouth, I clear my throat and they both turn their attention to me.

"Kim," Jeremy says, as if relieved of my presence.

For the first time, I see Jewel scowl. But she's still beautiful, damn it.

"Why are you here?" She spat.

I hesitantly walk towards them. ", just wanted to say hi." Yeah right.

She sighs. "Look, Kim, we need some privacy so can you please leave for a while?"

"No," Jeremy barks then immediately pulls me by his side, his arms embracing my waist.

Jewel glowers at his hand resting on my hips then raises an eyebrow at Jeremy.

"I didn't know it's in you to date a student," She asserts, pure disgust in her tone.

My fiancé scoffs. "And I didn't know it's in you to date your—"

"STOP!" Jewel literally screams. "I'm your fiancé and that's it!"

"Ex-fiancé, Jewel. Mind the word Ex!" He snarls.

Jeremy tightens his arm around my waist and I see something flash on her face, maybe pain or distress but it immediately draws away after a beat like she was expecting him to say that.

I really shouldn't have come between them in the first place.

They still have some serious issues to fix and I don't want any part of it.

"We had no choice but to break up," She replies but the confidence in her voice has now vanished and is replaced by vulnerability.

"Because I had to!" Jeremy shouts and I want to wriggle my way out of his grasp before the situation becomes worse. "What we had was wrong! I could never love someone like you."

She steps closer to him just as Jay digs his fingers deeper on my waist.

"Jay, it hurts" I tell him but he obviously didn't hear me or chose not to.

"No Jay, you love me. I know you still do," She bleats; tears start flowing on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Jewel," He replies and I can sense how genuine he says it, like he's really sorry that he could not love her again.

Jeremy removes his arm around me then clutches my arm to drag me out of the room.

Once back outside, he lets go of me and my skin feels quite cold from the loss of contact.

He takes a lungful of air before he speaks, "I'm sorry you had to witness that."

I swallow the bile in my throat. "Were you really going to marry her?"

Jeremy closes his eyes, shutting them tightly in annoyance.

"Unfortunately, yes" He soon replies, and then he looks at me as he considers something "But it's been seven years ago. We were still young and... naive"

"Naïve, how?" I press further.

He shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about it yet. Soon, I guess but not now"

I still want to know more. "Did you love her?"

He is reluctant for a second. "No, I didn't. But I... cared for her a lot."

Sounds like love to me but whatever.

"Why did you really break up?"

But a pitchy squeak of a microphone interrupts us. Almost everyone apparently.

"Good evening" Someone announces.

All heads turn to the one who's standing on the three five-inch stage and my eyes immediately widen when I realized who he is.

"Wayne!" I say happily with a huge grin plastered in my face.

Wayne Brendan Summers is the most awesome big brother of all time. Well, for my best friend of course but I still see him like my own brother and he treats me just like his little sister.

He glances at me instantly flashes his sweetest smile. "So um, I know I'm not invited here but I still want to dedicate this song to the birthday girl, Jade. I still want to marry you, love." He says hastily, making him sound like a nervous alien announcing world domination.

"Jerk." Jade throws her glass towards him, but missed about one foot away. Wayne just stands there, a microphone in his hand and his gaze following Jade's retreating back.

He sings a ballad song and I could hear the heartbreak in his voice.

One he's done, he just leaves the stage and doesn't even bother to say "hi" to me. I try to understand him and not to be offended.

Different bands perform after him, including the Boys On Fire. But we didn't have time to hang out much since they had to leave soon so they can rest for their next gig tomorrow morning. I'm still curious if Lance is already aware of his relation with Jade and Jeremy.

I thought of leaving soon, but then I remember that I don't know the way out of their private subdivision. My memory is not that good and I have to drive at least three times around a place to remember it. So, I search for Jeremy and find him by the pool with a glass of red wine in hand, obviously bothered by something.

I slowly approach him. "Hey."

He doesn't even look at me. "Your dad called the house phone earlier; he said that a staff just coughed blood and might be diagnosed with tuberculosis. He wants you to stay the night here until every part of your house is decontaminated. You can rest first in my room while the guest room is being prepared."

He merely stands there, staring at the pool, not moving at all.

"Um, I don't know where your room is," I tell him.

He quickly faces me, his body tensed. "Kim, I want to kiss you."

"What? Why?" I step backward, somewhat afraid of him although I don't know why.

Jeremy chuckles feebly to himself. Looking down, he says, "Never mind. Let's just go."

"Wait," I take a step closer to him and stand on the tip of my shoes so I can at least reach his face. "I didn't say no." I anchor my lips over his. He presses his hand behind my back to push me closer to him, making me deepen the kiss. Our mouths move sensually as he embraces me with one arm while the glass wine is being held on the other.

It's not like our usual kisses that are frantic and uneasy. This kiss is slower, gentler, more vulnerable as if he's letting go all of his troubles through this kiss.

And I'd gladly take all those troubles away if it meant seeing this soft side of him. The side where he kisses me like his whole life is hinged on my lips and he'll die if he lets go.

He then pulls away slightly, resting his forehead on mine, leaving me winded.

His glistening green eyes stare at my blue ones. He's not looking at me like I'm the girl who keeps failing her exams or the one who annoys the hell out him.

He gazes at me as if saying: You just made everything better.

Did I really?

"Thank you." He beams reassuringly. "Now let's go to my room."

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