Chapter Seven: This is Going to be Fun

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                We continue to talk more about Paris and how gorgeous French men are—in which Jeremy was so uncomfortable with. Jade says she's three years older than Sir Jeremy, so basically she's 28 while Jeremy is 25. She also tells me about her different commercials and her other international projects where she endorses different kinds of clothes, shoes, make-ups etc.

               So that's why she looks familiar!

              Once we finish our lunch, Jade and I head to the shopping boutiques while Sir Jeremy chose to stay in the bookstore. He's such a geek.

               While we are deciding which perfume to buy, Jade suddenly approaches me, her eyes full of sincerity, "Kim, I love my brother so much despite his spine-chilling manners. I know you don't have any feelings for him yet but sooner or later, you might. I'm saying this based on my own experiences" She explains. "I went to Paris to get away from a heartbreak. Our parents also set us up into a relationship and eventually I told him I love him. He said he loved me too yet he cheated on me, Kim and it broke me," She turns her attention to the perfume she is holding.  

                Jade continues "I don't want that to happen to Jay. So please Kim, if ever one day, he tells you he loves you—because I know he will—let him know exactly what you really feel. Don't pretend to have the same feelings for him when you're obviously interested on someone else just because you don't want to hurt Jay. Please Kim, never lie to my brother. Could you do that for me?" She beseeches.

               "Of course," I answer. She just smiles at me before going back to the lipsticks aisle. I feel a sudden wave of uneasiness after our conversation "Uh, I'm just going to check the clothes over there" I excuse. She simply nods in response.

                I practically dash towards the women's clothing section just to get away from her as far as possible. I'm not really scared of her. Just a little intimidated. And guilty.

                "I kinda like this one, baby." A very familiar voice says which makes me instantly glance up. It's her. The one and only Hailey West.

(Kylie Jenner as Hailey West)

                I hide behind the clothes rack and notice she's with a guy

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                I hide behind the clothes rack and notice she's with a guy. Is that Kyle? But the body figure is so different. She's blocking the man's face so I really couldn't identify who he is. I sprint to another shelf of garments to look closely and my eyes almost bulged out when I realize Hailey's obviously cheating on Kyle.

             With our History teacher.

             As if my nose couldn't pick a better time to feel itchy, I sneeze. Loud. Which instantly gets Hailey's attention. I try to duck away but she has already noticed me.

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